5 Books every Leader should read

Olumurewa Olubela
Boox Street
Published in
3 min readJul 16, 2020
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Great leaders are gifts to the world. However, if you’re a leader, you know becoming great at it isn’t easy. Managing people, attending to their needs, making the right decisions for and on behalf of everyone, aiming to keep everyone happy and still achieving the overall organizational goals is a lot to handle, even for the best of us.

However, as I always say, books can help with everything. I have compiled here five books that I have read that really helped in getting better being a leader.

Leaders Eat Last — Simon Sinek

Simon Sinek’s Leaders Eat Last is the second book I read this year but I wish I had it read a long time.

Sinek explores how leaders should place their people before everything-themselves, customers, and even investors. The book investigates the psychology of different generations and the leaders of the time affected it.

It’s an in-depth book that doesn’t assume, doesn’t seek to motivate or trivialize but rather establishes every one of its theories on prolific life examples.

The Virgin Way — Richard Branson

Richard Brandon is renowned for his rockstar, unconventional style of leadership.

In this book of four parts- Lead, Listen, Learn, and Laugh- Branson, explains how he has achieved his strikingly different, swashbuckling style of leadership. He bears on his personal life as well as that of others to explain his points.

Start With Why — Simon Sinek

In this book that went on to have its own TED Talk, Sinek gives a brilliant new perspective to motivating people of all kinds.

Sinek urges that to motivate, you should ignore what and how you’re doing something and rather focus on why you’re doing it. As always, Sinek’s theories are properly founded on popular real-life examples.

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Tribes — Seth Godin

Seth Godin is a marketing guru and this book was written for marketers. However, reading it brought great leadership lessons.

Seth believes marketing is about leading people from one point to a desirable destination. He talks about how tribes are made and how they become loyal.

The interesting thing is that Seth’s advice is relevant even if you don’t have a following. He teaches on how to go seek out your tribe, unite and grow it.

Developing the Leader Around You — John C Maxwell

In this book, leadership and motivational speaker, John C. Maxwell focuses less on developing yourself and more on developing others. He teaches on how leaders should develop their followers into leaders, this Maxwell argues is the perfection of leadership.

Whether you’re president of a club or you’re leading a unit at your workplace, these books will help make your job easier. Make sure you grab one of them.

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