Meet Jihoon Cha — BORA’s new CEO

Published in
3 min readNov 18, 2019


This is BORA team.

Today we would like to introduce you to Representative Ji-hoon Cha, who has recently joined BORA.
Representative Cha has a range of experience handling overall managing duties for both national and international business.
We will introduce you all to the Representative and show our future plans for BORA through our Q&A.

Q. Please introduce yourself briefly, Mr. Cha.

A. Hello. I am Ji-hoon Cha and I have become the Representative of BORA. I previously worked in companies such as 4:33 Creative Lab and Smilegate Megaport where I conducted overall management in the fields of business planning, development, investment, and strategies both nationally and internationally. While working in the videogame industry I was examining the possibility of joining blockchain technology with videogames, and I had the great opportunity to come on board with BORA.

Q. Please tell us about your personal principles for managing the company and the team, if you have any.

A. I always work according to the saying, “If you take a step earlier, you succeed, and if you take a step too late, you fail”. I think that the most important value in keeping pace with the especially fast-growing block chain industry is speed, and to facilitate this speed we must keep faith in ourselves and trust each other. I also think that depending on each other and encouraging others to reach goals are important values for running a team. As such, I hope to manage team BORA with these two values: speed and harmony.

Q. What would you like to primarily achieve in BORA?

A. In the videogame business, people use server failures after game content launching as an index for commercial success. Right now I want to cooperate with the developers who are dealing with global services and launch a game on the BORA platform, an idea that I made public recently, and then experience a server failure because of a massive overload of users. (Laughter)

Q. Please elaborate on your plans to set the course of direction for BORA platform business.

A. BORA has been concentrating on the initiation of official services by cooperating with various content partner companies. Unfortunately, due to current circumstances, focusing only on aggressive business and marketing in domestic areas will no longer be an option. This is why I hope to concentrate all my energy on the expansion of the contents business by reconstructing internal business strategies based on three key components: the establishment of a mass pool of users, global services, and creating videogame contents with excellent accessibility.

Q. Lastly, please say a word for all of those who are interested in BORA.

A. In the blockchain industry where everything is shifting forward and back day by day, BORA has stuck to its ethics and objective to sprint its way to the development of services and official initiation. As I have mentioned earlier, we will put our utmost effort into the growth and expansion of BORA platform business in the second half of the year, so please do not forget to take more interest in our activities.

Thank you.




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