How to Let Your Favorite Person Go

Meghan James
Borderline Personalities
12 min readMay 15, 2022


Chaney Zimmerman

When you have borderline personality disorder, letting go can be a harrowing experience. There are many different reasons why letting go can be difficult for us, but knowing that the process may be harder can also provide a source of comfort and a boost of self-confidence. Because even by deciding that it’s time to let your favorite person go, you are showing an incredible amount of strength. So if you’re even thinking about it or have decided to take that next step, I’m proud of you.

When is it time to let your favorite person go? Luckily for you, I wrote an article about just that!

Before I go into the details of letting go of your favorite person, I think it would be helpful to tell you what you might hope to experience afterwards. I, personally, have let go of multiple favorite people, and I will say wholeheartedly that it was a weight off my shoulders. Once you do it once, it will become easier and will take less time, energy, and will. I almost guarantee it.

Why Should You Let Your Favorite Person Go?



Meghan James
Borderline Personalities

A lesbian twenty-something who loves to challenge mainstream thinking and beliefs. It’s not personal, I promise.