Currents of Consciousness, with Dr. Amit Goswami

Forget what you know or what you think you know about consciousness

Mihal Woronko


Photo by Anastasia Taioglou on Unsplash

“Consciousness is the agency that collapses the wave of a quantum object, which exists in potentia, making it an immanent particle in the world of manifestation.”

— Amit Goswami

You may have heard of Amit Goswami — he is a theoretical nuclear physicist and, at 83 years of age, has authored over a dozen books that navigate the enigmatic waters of quantum physics from the more empowering perspective of human consciousness.

Like many others who seek to blend quantum mechanics with spirituality, Dr. Goswami has held firm to the proposition that everything exists in a state of potential until it is consciously observed by an observer.

In other words, he believes things exist in a state of possibility until we consciously manifest them into a state of reality.

The theory springboards off the commonly-regarded concept of the observer effect — an effervescent thread that many have adopted as a means to try and stitch science and mysticism together under an umbrella of quantum- and meta-physics.

