How Do Cold E-mails Improve Sales?

And why should you send them out regularly?

Sulaiman Hafeez
Boring Commerce
Published in
5 min readJun 5, 2020


The concept of Cold E-mails actually has old roots and is only growing in popularity. These types of emails are unsolicited and sent to people you don’t know with the sole intention of promoting your brand, or its products & services. This can help stimulate sales and revenue by a considerable amount.

Cold emails can be seen as a gamble and are usually sent out in large numbers to generate better results.

There are 5 essential components to an ideal cold email-

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An effective cold e-mail is one that immediately grips the reader and keeps them hooked on your content. It should be intelligently crafted, informative, interesting & should have a link to your website/products at the end for easy access.

The primary purpose of any cold email is to promote brand awareness. And this requires that the emails you send out actually be read.

This is easier said than done when you consider the hundreds of emails an individual receives throughout the day. Did you know that an average email open rate is just 20.81%? Simply put, only 20 out of 100 emails are opened and even lesser are read. So the question is, will your email ever get to see the light of the day?

What does your email have which makes it stand out from the rest? Why should your email be opened from a heap of a gazillion other emails? These are a couple of questions, the answer to which will determine just how effective your email is.

This is how cold emails influence the sales process-

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When done right, cold emails are a great way for a business to attract new customers and boost up their sales in the process. Their fast-growing popularity is a testament to their potential and efficiency. Because their advantages far outweigh the disadvantages, this is a practice every brand needs to adopt.

Each line in a cold email must be compelling enough to push the reader onto the next line, which should offer just as much incentive for the reader to get to the next line, and so on.

It should interest the reader by discussing what your products have to offer to them. Going into too much detail can be counterproductive since that’s a sure-fire way to make people lose interest.

Trends tend to keep on evolving. However, the growth-rate of email usage over the years has shown a steady increase, which is projected to continue even in the coming years.

E-mail Usage over the years-

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Going about writing up cold emails can be a delicate subject but here are a few ways in which they are most likely to translate in increased sales-

1. Increase Awareness-

Don’t let your brand be swept under the rug unnoticed! It is essential to establish a presence while engaging in a business of any sort. This is where promotional cold emails come in.

Cold emails help garner attention towards your brand. They provide a perfect introduction to your products/services, highlighting their benefits and describing what’s in it for the reader. Make the content scannable, and the spotlight will eventually shine down on your brand.

2. Extending Reach-

These emails are an excellent way to break away from your warm audience and provide outreach to a newer audience. It offers a way to break past the existing group of customers you’ve already established and broaden your marketing horizon. Effective cold emails may result in increased inclusivity of target customers and network-growth.

3. Offering Alternative-

Another benefit that cold emails offer is that they provide the reader with an alternative to an existing product that they might use. Your email might help them realize that the product you offer is either more economical or of better quality than the ones they are accustomed to.

For instance, a regular consumer of one soft-drink brand may not be aware of some other soft drink. This can be introduced to him with the help of persuasive cold emails and he can thus, be swayed to switch over to your soft-drinks instead!

4. Sizing Up Your Audience-

Cold emails offer the initial levels of interaction between potential customers & the brand. It gives them the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the Brand Tone and feel through the content. It is pivotal in helping them get to know your brand closely and lays the foundation for all future engagements with the customer.

The reader can get a vague idea of what to expect in future emails, should he/she choose to subscribe!

5. Increased Activity on Webpage-

Now this one is fairly obvious. A well-written cold email entices the reader and directly increases the traffic to your website and social media pages. Curious customers will flock over in large herds to see what else you can offer them.

Throw in some discount or entice the reader with offers that they can’t resist, to maximize your results!

Here is an example of an ideal cold email for your reference-

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To sum it up, mastering cold emails is an art that will help you go a long way in terms of securing brand recognition. Its importance cannot be understated as an effective marketing strategy.

Cold emails can help solidify your sales and make them go through the roof if they are used in the right way. Not only that, but they also provide the basis of the brand-customer interaction thread. They make the company visible in the eyes of the general public by boosting awareness.

Deploying this method of marketing has minimum repercussions and its fruits of success are sweeter than the toil of labour. Now, more than ever, in a Digital Age, it’s imperative for brands to establish an online presence and cold emails are the right way to do so!

If you too send out cold emails, let us know how that’s been working out for you!



Sulaiman Hafeez
Boring Commerce

Jack of all trades. Striving for mastery in quite a few.