Life On An Island— Lacking Locally

Questioning The Traditional For The Basics

T.S. Narkissa Luna
Born Ink
5 min readApr 8, 2018


I live on a island.

I don’t live on the mainland of the US of A.

I don’t have the basics of writers support groups or poetry group meetings.

So all of this leads me to using the internet, but the internet really can’t replace the work that happens physically, with paperwork’s at hand. So, for the natural order of things that would naturally happen with close quarters of publishing houses or any type of really help in writing just sucks. It takes more time with dealing people online more than ever before.

While I may be a part of a generation that is completely used to technology, I am an old soul. I have a particular wanting for the feel and touch of being close to my work, being taken care of and polished off.

We are at a time and era where many people are getting use to the world, depending on the use of technology. However, it is what is saving my butt in my career and possibly in my life on the daily basis.

Meanwhile, I may want to be near the people who take care of my work, I’ve learned that the world isn’t always fair, for I live a isolated area of islands and beautiful scenery. In the best light, the islands give me peace of mind that the world is on the outside of my shell and my writing is more particular of its concentration.

It may be the type of books the outside world might intrigued by and the island life, more atoned to.

I’ve always hoped to one day to travel and write stories and fairy tales about what I would learn of the world. It still is my dream, however, my life has become more difficult, but it is more fun that way, I guess.

Meanwhile In The Real World…

Writers who often come to live on islands or isolated places, like Robert Frost and others, they discover that their writings are able to make it in the real world, off the islands.

But this is often for writers, coming famous from the mainland to the islands. It is easy to make it out here, in the silence, the privacy, and the isolation.

Writer, living and trying to make it on the islands in isolation, have really problems with finding editors, publishing houses, literary agents, and etc. This, I, believe is the most hardest part of being a starting writing in the middle of the ocean, away from the outside world and the mainland.

We are left to our own devices, looking into the many of ways of trying to make our names published in the literary world.

If anything, the easy part is thinking, writing, and advertising for our books and our materials. We publish and work hard to make our work, worth more than the easy parts.

While, it may be easy to try and find a good literary agent and more, the world in isolation and island life makes the world difficult.

We aren’t going to get away from all the requirements that of any writer.

How To Freak Out Over Everything Until Your Work Is Done — The Crying Phase

All writers know this phase, rather it’s for a small article or an epic novel, you will cry and hope for the best. The publish button does things to you on a third degree spiritual and mental level, I can’t even go there.It’s harder on a writer, whose life is around the people whose words seem incoherent. They are mirrors for us, to not forget where we or I come from.

They are what the stereotypes are filled with, but they are the smartest, incoherent people you’ll ever meet. They have words that cover every basis and they give love and friendship, mostly at the shake and hug.

So while I’m crying and freaking out, my family are often the ones to remind that it isn’t the end of the world. That I can write more and that it took guts to do what I was doing.

They knew my writing was good, that I was going to farther places with my writing.

They just knew.

The writing is hard and harder with the best content you think and imagine up. But killing part comes from the dreaded publishing.

We fear the world, but you don’t fear the people.You just write for yourself and possibly them, it becomes a joy and a fun.

Needing What You Lack — Hating The Place And Wanting Cities

While you may write, you may edit, and you may publish, are you ready for the larger world?

I question myself everyday with this question too often. This put me into a state of mind, always making me think about what this other place is like and how in the hell am I getting there?

I have words of fire and passion so I tend to fight for everything, but I learned to listen and just hear every word before blowing up. This saves my life when I think about when I finish my novel and my book of poetry.

I remember it takes a long time to look and find an editor and everything I’d need for my babies to be polished.

I knew I would find them, it was inevitable when I just try and try hard. This is a part of life, to try and fail and try and fail. It’s just the hard part of getting over the distance, normally because I live too far from your regular visits from editors that are classically trained and have dozens of other books under their belts. While the distance is great, the internet, not too far, even though I can’t meet them in person.

It makes sense to just try and find the fastest and easiest way to make it work.

It’s not just the editor part that is aggravating but also trying to find a literary agent for the helping with ironing out other details. It is also all the other parts that become harder to deal with. It is harder in everything, the publishing houses, the advertisings, and more.

The more work you might have in a place like Virginia or Chicago, the worse in places like Hawaii or any islands.

Trying And Winning

You can win sometimes, you can post articles and online series! It works but the work that goes in a traditional book, its’ still needed!

We live a different lifestyle from other places, wherein lies the problem, it comes from the same needs but different understanding of the world. WE AREN’T THE SAME! We have the means in the internet, so we have a chance at making more out of ourselves and making the almost impossible, possible!

Our writings are advertised as we begin to write more. We can see the changes and chances we have when we just disregard the normal playing level as we will never be up to par with people of more places, means, and access.

We still try to make it work, ergo we still have winnings. This is our lives as writers of islands.

Thank you for reading! My name is T.S. NarkissaLuna (obviously a penname, but I love it!). I’m a poet and aspiring author with big dreams in writing fantasy novels and finding a path that works in my favor.



T.S. Narkissa Luna
Born Ink

Poetess & Writer. Mother of the hidden moon. Healing with spilled ink and tears. A soul aged with the things of night.