Five Core Technologies Of Artificial Intelligence

Md Ashikquer Rahman
Published in
8 min readSep 19, 2020


Five Core Technologies Of Artificial Intelligence
Photo by istock

Computer vision, machine learning, natural language processing, robotics, and speech recognition are the five core technologies of artificial intelligence, and they will all become independent sub-industries.

1. Computer vision

Computer vision refers to the computer’s ability to recognize objects, scenes and activities from images. Computer vision technology uses a sequence of image processing operations and other technologies to decompose image analysis tasks into small tasks that are easy to manage. For example, some technologies can detect the edges and textures of objects from images, and classification technologies can be used to determine whether the recognized features represent a class of objects known to the system.

Computer vision has a wide range of applications , including: medical imaging analysis is used to improve disease prediction, diagnosis and treatment; face recognition is used by Facebook to automatically identify people in photos; in the field of security and surveillance, it is used to identify suspects; In terms of shopping, consumers can now take photos of products with their smartphones to get more purchase options.



Md Ashikquer Rahman

Economics Student || Research Enthusiast || Statistical Data Analyst || Product Sourcing (China) || Entrepreneur