№ 200: Goodbye with a bang

Enzo Greco
Published in
3 min readFeb 24, 2020

My 200th blog is one of great joy, but also a bit of sadness:
after almost five years my weekly shares will come to an end.

What started as an internal mail, quickly turned into a blog. One which fuelled my passion, but also started to drain more and more energy. It’s time for something else.

Before I leave the weekly stage, I’ll go all out with six carefully selected spots that represent my favourite themes throughout the years. Sit back one more time and enjoy the show.

The gift of sharing

Where most of you are happy to leave the Christmas music and spirit in January, I can enjoy it all year long. Apple celebrated back in 2018 creativity and encouraged everyone to share their ideas.

From set design to storytelling and stop motion, from character design back to the Christmas spirit. This one hits pretty much all the right spots.

The commercial goes by so fast, that a lot of the love for detail gets lost. Check out the making of to get even more mesmerised. Created by TBWAMedia Arts Lab and animated by my all-time favourite studio Buck.

Roller coaster life

Sometimes fortune just falls into your lap. Sometimes it’s bad luck in disguise waiting to happen…

A music video is the creative equivalent of a candy store for many creatives. With the stamp of portfolio-work, every member is super excited to work on a passion project like this.

Another beloved theme for many of us is animals. Our furry friends are great characters to emphasise human behaviour. Alltogether a great video directed by Simon Cahn through Division.

All together now

The BBC and Channel 4 frequently starred my blog thanks to their great teaser and title design. British Broadcasting stands for heritage, skills, and the love for craft. Get hungry for more with the trailer for The Great British Bake Off.

I always feel a bit sorry for title designers. The art of setting the right vibe and kick-starting a story is highly underrated. Big up for Channel 4’s in-house creative department 4Creative and director Alex Boutell. They delivered a beautiful mash-up with every production flavour available.

The small escape

The automotive industry fuels the advertising industry with great opportunities that often lead to blockbuster commercials. BMW doesn’t flex its muscles in the next short film, where they celebrate the thirtieth anniversary of the fall of the Berlin wall.

Everybody loves a good story. Delivering something great in a short amount of time is an art on itself. The creatives at Jung von Matt, director Alex Feil, and DoP Khalid Mohatseb remind us that freedom can’t be taken for granted.

Reimagining the future

Although there are many names for explanatory with a commercial touch, I adopted the term infomercial. Animation studio Buck makes its final appearance with its work for General Electric.

The majority of infomercials consist of a long list of benefits that quickly get boring or confusing. It makes perfect sense we see a lot fo playful cel-animated stories. They simplify theory and give room for very interesting scene transitions. An art form that is lifted to great heights by Buck.

The Big Bang

In Ad-land Christmas comes twice. With the Super Bowl, the creative industry gets a second chance to go all out and serve some blockbuster spots. This year Toyota went all out. Curious if you can spot all the film references.

To ‘Go Highlander’ is to go above and beyond. Not the worst pay off to work with. If you add a Super Bowl Budget the possibilities are endless. Saatchi & Saatchi created a very amusing movie mash-up where high end, Toyota and, spacious are the key ingredients that stick.

And that’s what it’s all about.

Big up

I want to thank Born05 for giving me the opportunity to share my passion and of course all the readers. For the Dutchies amongst you: I will continue my Monthly Blog on Adformatie (same format, only less frequently ;).

Hope to kickstart my new side-project very soon. Keep you all posted. In the meantime: you know where to find me if you are in desperate need of specific motion inspiration.




Enzo Greco
Editor for

concept.motion.direction — currently working as motion director at born05