Bottoms up with these five spirit commercials

Enzo Greco
Published in
3 min readDec 23, 2019

Enzo’s Monday Motion #193: With Christmas and NYE around the corner, everyone loves a drink or two. I serve five shots of the stronger type. Bottoms up!

The secret story of Smirnoff Vodka

From its Russian roots to world domination. The vodka brand tells its story in a feature film style.

With a pinch of secrecy and a twist of rebelliousness, the brand wants to attract the younger and outspoken audience. The style feels like an updated and smoother version of Guy Ritchie’s Snatch opening titles. The concept of 72andSunny New York was directed by Rupert Sanders and produced by MJZ.

Gin made of tears

Gin brand Tears might be a newbie in the world of spirits, their commercial is from the same high-end level as the previous one. Young talented writer/director Bernd Faass took this project to a different level.

The impressive short gains even more respect when I spotted it was produced by the talented students of Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg. Great storyline, casting and sense of humor make me thirsty for more.

The classiness of Cognac

Cognac brand Hennessy is driven by their relentless pursuit of excellence. Their vision is embodied by the ambition of the pioneering Piccards. Where father Auguste breaks the barrier of the stratosphere, his son Jacques takes the opposite direction.

Hennessy campaigns always stand out in visual richness and creative concepts. The story, smartly spotted by Droga5, on itself is already great. But the visual interpretation and execution of director Daniel Wolf really blow me away. The simple trick of flipping the perspective of the deep dive melts the two stories seamlessly together and results in a super-strong and surprising end.

The sound of Rum

While every brand is focussing on the taste, Bacardí takes a different route.

Although the concept is smartly found, the execution is rather poor. The beginning is visually strong and interesting, but it soon ends up in a mix of cliche shots. When music is your key feature, being out in sync is the worst you can do. Talking about the quickest hangover ever.


I end up my spirits list with an old Baileys spot. Maybe not a joy for everyone’s taste buds, but for sure a feast for your eyes.

I love how they translated the visual aspect of pouring Baileys in coffee into this tasteful artsy choreography. The concept is soo strong, that Guinness beer copied it last year.

if you’re thirsty for more, check at the previous blog about drinks.

Last Week

December isn’t the easiest month for our furry, flying friends. Six brands who give them a feather in their cap.

Enzo Greco is Motion Director at Born05.



Enzo Greco
Editor for

concept.motion.direction — currently working as motion director at born05