Enzo’s Monday Motion #100: Blockbusters

Enzo Greco
Published in
4 min readAug 21, 2017

Roughly two years ago I mailed my co-workers at Born05 about the ins & outs in the World of Motion. This mail-to-all quickly transformed into a blog which hits its 100th edition. Let’s celebrate big with some blockbuster commercials!

Wheel of fortune

Kia’s choice for hamsters might not be so random as it seems. Back in 2011 they presented their new model with some hip hamsters. The commercial was an instant succes! Since they were already following the blockbuster principles in storyline and special effects, they jumped in the hamster wheel and went for some sequels. This latest ‘episode’ is written by David & Goliath and directed by Matthijs Van Heijningen.

There is no official order to watch them like the Star Wars saga, so randomly pick them in this handy playlist.

Walking Tips

Johnny Walker has been walking for a while now in campaign land, but never before starring a female lead. Since millennials are of legal drinking age, they are a new (sub)target audience. Research tells that this generation struggles with decision making. The brand pushes them to search within to take the next step. Hopefully this ad sticks in their mind when they’re about to order at the bar. Concept by CP+B Brazil and directed by Marcelo Rizério.

At The Speed of Light

Back in the day when the internet still made crazy calling sounds, it was hard to imagine that a thin fiber cable could stream multiple high quality films at the same time. The local Virgin cable installer is still surprised by this phenomenon.

The soundtrack is an instant link to the cult classic Pulp Fiction. But there are many more references such as “The Dark Knight” and “Gravity”. All the main film genres and sports are represented to portrait the unlimited possibilities and power of Virgin Cable. An impressive, and production heavy commercial which is produced by Rogue Films and directed by Sam Brown.

Action time

If there ever was a season for blockbuster commercials it’s on Superbowl Sunday. Since I skipped this year’s edition, I give you one you might have missed. Wix.com has entered the the world of templates site building with great result. To show how easy it actually is to create your own professional site in this disruptive market, they called in the big guns Mr. Transporter Jason Statham and Wonder Woman Gal Gadot.

To guarantee the succes it’s smart to add the stars behind the camera as well. Nobody less than the director of the Transporter films himself (Louis Leterrier) delivered not only one but two action spots. The budget was no doubt big, but still I have to give credit how they’ve managed to create two different spots that feel like a hit and it’s sequel.

King of Car Commercials

Car brands are always strongly represented in the blockbuster spots. Where many go for the easy road and lean on existing characters, Honda always goes for originality. The same team that worked on the flip paper animation ‘Paper’ joined their forces to deliver a new spot which is an ode to the craft in film industry.

Where standard production time of a feature film easily reaches a year, this commercial floats from storyboard sketches and wireframe renders to green screen shots and final render in 90 seconds.

The spot is specially created for Channel 4’s ‘Film on 4’ programming, which is sponsored by Honda. The spot is rich in many ways: next to full the production process, it passes also different film genres and Honda models (including a Honda Africa Twin motorcycle). Like craftsmen in film, Honda focusses on keeps on pushing the borders in their profession.

Budweiser China

When your pay off is ‘Made in America’ it doesn’t really have the same impact in China. For this massive market a change of style is in place. CAA Marketing came up with a 3,5 minute commercial that comes close to a feature film including title designs at the beginning and end.

Where Budweiser USA looks back in the past and leans on heritage, in China they look into the future and positions them selves as a premium and innovative brand. The concept is based upon an earlier activation campaign where club people received lighted wristbands which were synched to the music. A concept that reminds of their neighbour Heineken and their Ignite campaign of 2013. Maybe not so innovative in the end, but production wise a very slick spot.



Enzo Greco
Editor for

concept.motion.direction — currently working as motion director at born05