Enzo’s Monday Motion #125: Festival Titles

Enzo Greco
Published in
3 min readApr 23, 2018

Creating a festival title sequence is the ideal way to promote yourself. You could say a very serious business, or is it..?

Mas Que nada

The Path Festival of innovation and creativity is taking over Sao Paulo again. This time it was the honour of director/VFX artist Seb Caudron to create an explosive trailer filled with fashion.

When creatives and ideas meet, they become stronger than ever. Caudron reimagines this with a single choreography which gets more complicated over time. Every dancer picks up where the last one left. The hectic and intense edit is compensated by a sterile cityscape which feels abandoned. A nice contrast that balances out the end result. Great job produced by Bossanova films, art direction by Judith Striegel, character / 3D design by Rudi Gude and music by Antfood.

VFX Festival

MPC Design was given the opportunity to create the VFX titel sequence. Next to trying out some new stuff, they wanted to make sure, they didn’t took them selves too serious. The results is refreshing but still VFX worthy at the same time.

To represent the diversity of the industry they’ve chosen sports as a metaphor. I love how the succeeded to translate body movement into abstract sport accessories. Especially in the shots where the tools fall back into their natural behaviour. Produced by MPC, directed by Antar Walker and music by Zelig Sound.

Master Piece

Why take festivals so seriously when it’s all about relaxing and celebrating hard work! Agency Birthmark showed their self mocking side as creative partner of the Promax BDA Africa awards.

Jossi Afargan created a concept which is full of contrast: from high end skills to the corniest standard effect. Every (over)used style passes by in high speed: from abstract (and meaningless) motion to the (already a classic) embed-the-making-of-in-the-final-edit style.

This piece is what ‘Scary Movie’ is to the Horror genre. Big up for the team. Especially for creative directer and lead motion artist Jossi Afargan and the client for approving the concept.

Stile Asiatico

The film Festival of Udine is unique in it’s kind. Where normally every film is dubbed, or simply Italian by origin, this festival features untouched Asian films. Check out the teaser made by Nerdo.

The story might be a tiny bit corny with Japanese classics like Koi carp, samurai and a dragon. The execution is everything but. Nice work by Daniele Gavatorta and his team.

Fresh Talent

Promising illustrator and motion artist Loek Vugs recently graduated and already has a festival trailer on his credential.

The full animation is basically one long and fluent gif-like animation. Still it works perfectly in this grid which uses a similar fluent delay. Also a big up for Ambassadors who created the music: electronic meets classic, a style haven’t heard that often.

Perpetual Motion

The concept of the 2016 MTV awards is based on the theory of perpetual motion: a motion which uses it’s own created energy to keep on going forever.

This teaser matches perfectly the classic style of Mtv with abstract visuals and sound. Nice work directed by Ditroit and music by Smider.

If you’re up for some more festival promos, continue watching over here.

Enzo Greco is Motion Director at Born05.



Enzo Greco
Editor for

concept.motion.direction — currently working as motion director at born05