Enzo’s Monday Motion #135: Interview

Enzo Greco
Published in
2 min readJul 30, 2018

Personal stories are at its best delivered by the protagonist self. The main question is how to capture the moment that has passed. Six different interpretations underneath captivating interviews.

Form follows Flow

Guillermo Del Toro’s answer about his latest film was so to the point, that the Toronto International Film Festival commissioned Polyester Studio to create a short animation for it.

What makes a message personal and true to its narrator is flow and intonation. Director Jeremy Dimmock and Polyester Studio did a great job spreading Del Toro’s words to a bigger audience. Extra credits for sound designer Jeff Moberg capturing and amplified it through subtile music and sound fx.

Around The World

Elspeth Beard is the first British woman who traveled the world on her bike. A time where there was no Google Maps and sometimes not even physical maps.

The black and white photo’s simply didn’t do right to Elspeth’s odyssey. Animators Joe Brooks and Alex Mellon created a graphical style which stimulates the imagination of the viewer. Together with contemporary footage of Beard herself they managed to deliver a captivating and convincing story.


Brooklyn based artist Mac Premo asked Radio host Jad Abumrad about the function of music. The answer is not only given in words, but also in motion.

Mac Premo mixes commercial projects for big clients such as Ford and HP with personal projects. Besides the commercial logo and call to action they’re pretty much the same: fast edits mixed with super slomoo’s and interesting compositions. Thus amplifying the core message and triggering your complete attention at the same time. What’s more to ask…


We return to Canada for the Toronto-based Together Project, which pairs Canadian families with refugee newcomer families. Listen to the heartwarming integration story of 9 year old Elham Nanaa.

Tendril smartly chose an animation style which stays close to the young protagonist. Written and directed by Julia Deakin with animations of Emilie Muszczak

A Story of Help

Football player Mark Bresciano retells his small gesture which turned into an inspiration.

Production agency Mighty Nice tried to embed the same casual and warm vibe into their artwork and animation. The animation of Bresciano might not be the prettiest or accurate in the world, but it does feel authentic and from the heart. IN the end that’s what you want to communicate. Directed by Alex Grigg and animation under the lead of Michael Chen.

Trip down Memory Lane

Doing your last daily show is like a guy on death row: you can ask anything you want. Thus Conan O’Brien about his last late night show for NBC.

This visual essay stays true to the The White stripes: raw, creative and (of course) in red, black and white. Great work by Moth Studio.



Enzo Greco
Editor for

concept.motion.direction — currently working as motion director at born05