Enzo’s Monday Motion #138: Music Videos #8

Enzo Greco
Published in
2 min readAug 20, 2018

It’s music video time again. Where some artists are camera shy, others seize the moment to shine. And this doesn’t have to be narcissistic or boring. Five examples where the artist excels on screen.

Sweet Dreams

The next video is very recognisable for every parent: talking to your young born, wishing he (or she) could talk back. In this case the youngster can.

While frontman Andy Hull was sleeping like a baby, the production team experienced a real nightmare. Let me say it gently: babies are far worse to direct than a dozen of diva’s combined. The video reminded me of all time classic Window Licker, replacing the disturbance vibe with some laughs. Manchester Orchestra partnered again with their regular directors of The Daniels. The descent VFX are delivered by Mathematic.

All about Me

Never change a winning team. Vancouver rapper SonReal follows the same recopy as the previous band. His regular director Peter Huang and the crew at Toronto’s Wingman VFX produced a video which is all around the rapper himself.

The tricky angle wasn’t the head replacing, but the amount of unique shots. The team delivered a great job which will most definitely help SonReal into the top charts.

Nice Match

French duo Grand Yellow takes the minimal abstract road matching their sound.

The video has the stylish sense you see at a James Bond intro. Credits go to 3D Artist Jonathan Chaillot, post-production by St-Louis Post House and direction by Akatre.

Inner Conflict?

What’s in a name: Dua Lipa has a dance battle with her self in her video “IDGAF”.

Long live the computer controlled camera arm and the rotoscope artist! The teamwork continued with the choreography by Marion Motin and direction by Henry Scholfield of Caviar London.

Rotoscope Mania

If you don’t have the budget for big camera’s or the don’t dance as Dua Lipa, you can also fully focus on the rotoscoping part. THat’s exactly what director and animator Ynon Lan did for the video of The Academics.

The making of video shows the tedious work done by Lan. A refreshing approach with a nice outcome if you ask me!



Enzo Greco
Editor for

concept.motion.direction — currently working as motion director at born05