Enzo’s Monday Motion #15: Running

Enzo Greco
Published in
1 min readApr 9, 2019
Originally posted at born05.com on September 30, 2015.

Last week I ran the ‘Dam to Dam’ 10 mile run. A nice excuse to show some motion about running.

Clear your head

This fairly old tvc for Asics is based on clearing your head while running. A live action commercial blended nicely with motion by Shotopop and produced by Wizz.


London based motion studio Man vs Machine is one of my favourite studio’s and this is why.

The history of Onitsuka Tiger

Discover the story behind those famous shoes worn in Kill Bill. The story is a bit long, but it does have some nice motion. Animation was done by André Junker and Wolters (Nform). The stop motion was done by Kathrin Albers and Jim Lacy (Stoptrick).

Reuse a shoe

80% propaganda
20% good will
100% nice motion

Animation and Compositing by James Chiny (Hypoly).


It’s a tiny bit of topic, therefor we shall say it’s a bonus one. Again for Nike but this time basketball (sportsmen who use shoes right). Production done by Pinto Pictures.



Enzo Greco
Editor for

concept.motion.direction — currently working as motion director at born05