Enzo’s Monday Motion #152: Liquids #2

Enzo Greco
Published in
2 min readJan 7, 2019

Trying to cut down on the drinking after New Year? No worries. This set of five shots won’t give you a hangover. Guaranteed!


Big chance you’ve taken an Advil or two over the holiday season. As long as the pills work, nobody is interested how they work! Well… Tel-Aviv-based photographer Ben Ouaniche was one of the interested few who filmed the dissolvement of our daily vitamins and painkillers.

Most of the shots took Ouaniche over 10 hours of non-stop recording. With a fairly simple setup of two macro lenses and a Genie timelapse controller (to spin the base of the pills), he takes macro photography to a new level.


CG artist Nobutaka Kitahara compressed beautiful coloured liquids in a tiny world.

Kitahara simulated the analog art of marbling with the help of Houdini flip (fluid simulation tools). I love the mix between oil and abstract shapes. The smooth time remapping makes it feel even more mystical.

Exclusive blends

Malaki produces high-quality tea and is very proud of its new range of blends. Milan based motion studio Ditroit translated the product into abstract paintings.

Agency & Reale cleverly based their animation on the iconic graphic elements on the packaging. By eliminating the paintbrush they focus on the product, not the production technique, making it even more mystical and appealing. Creative Director Jason Reale delivered a spot that stands out and sticks.

Sunrise Gold

Samsung makes it flagship model even more high end by bathing it in liquid gold.

The opening of the spot is again very strong. You can tell that Psyop director Eben Mears is very experienced when it comes to digital filmmaking. Somehow it gets less interesting over time (probably due to the client’s demand of product shots). The Malaki spot proves that it is possible to keep the tension until the very end.

Minimal Musical Ripples

Director and animator Thomas Charier’s graduation project is a mesmerising music video that lets you drift away on the minimalistic music of Grandbrothers.

Being a big fan of the electronic band, Charier finished the full eight-minute song. Even though every scene is spot on, it could have been as interesting in a shortened version. Still, kudo’s to the man how managed to reduce liquid animation into graphic animations, thus matching the minimal music.



Enzo Greco
Editor for

concept.motion.direction — currently working as motion director at born05