Six commercial mash-ups who dare to go beyond one single style

Enzo Greco
Published in
3 min readSep 30, 2019

Enzo’s Monday Motion #184: Not choosing one specific style can also be a well-thought decision. Six mash-ups that thrive on diversity.

Sharing is caring

Mate is a traditional South American drink which is all about sharing and uniting people.

In style of the drink, this non-commercial project was produced by a group of friends, who all added their own motion flavour. The blend of styles accentuates the unity that a round of mate can bring.

33 perspectives

A group of Russian artists delivered a similar project. This time it was based around the 16th-century icon of the city of Moscow.

The creative team really took it to the next level. They didn’t only play around with style, but also created their own background story, matching their philosophy of the city. Special mention to the audio designer Daruma Audio for enriching the stories and tying everything together.


Virgin Media followed the trend in telecommunication, supplying the holy trinity of mobile network, TV, and internet. One-stop for unlimited access for anyone, everywhere.

The mash-up accentuates again the abundance of (in this case) services, boosting your own creativity and bringing joy to your life. Adam & Eve/DDB played the comedy card right and even persuaded the client with a rather lugubrious, but funny ending. Directed by Ian Pons Jewell with Academy.

Acid trip

Deadly Class is an American television series based on a comic book. Polyester Studio was asked to deliver an animated scene for this live-action show.

The animation takes us through the different phases of the acid trip turning bad. A bold choice from the directors that really paid off.

Combining power

With 80.000 heads strong Publicis Groupe is a huge player in the creative industry. Their latest platform, called Marcel, lets small teams use the (creative) power of many.

With the new vision, Publicis tries to re-invent themselves and maximise the quality and quantity of their work. Collaboration is key in this idea, hence the mash-up in styles and creative disciplines.


The Artery paid a visual homage to the 2019 Eurovision competition. The artists were invited to visualize the synergy between human and machine.

With a fixed starting composition the artists were free to deliver their own interpretation. Just like the Russian example, the unity is found in composition, but even more in great sound design. Matching the key event Eurovision you can say that music brings us together.

Last week

From one homage to another. Last week I paid a tribute to possibly the best festival network for digital work, OFFF.

Enzo Greco is Motion Director at Born05.



Enzo Greco
Editor for

concept.motion.direction — currently working as motion director at born05