Enzo’s Monday Motion #27: 2015 Shorts

Enzo Greco
Published in
2 min readDec 28, 2015

This time of the year you’re already stopped working or you’re counting down the hours at work. I say a perfect time to watch my selection of 2015 shorts.

Pet project

A lonely toy truck is still waiting to be bought. In the meantime he’s fantasising of all the adventures he might endure. ‘Happy place’ is a pet project by the British writer duo Tom Jenkins and Simon Sharp. Besides the story I was impressed by the production. By creative and dedicated work they managed to skip most of the CGI post production at the live action shoot.

Whatever works

Who doesn’t recognise it: a screaming child in a supermarket or busy train. Next time you see one, tell the little rascal this story and enjoy the silence.
What the short lacks in render style it makes up in story, written and directed by Jon Turner.

Wall-E 2

Jack Anderson must have been inspired watching Pixar’s Wall-E. In his thesis we follow two robots on a desolated planet fighting for the last piece of fuel. Although the story is a bit slow, the character design makes it still very fun to watch. Nice work by Jack Anderson.

Oscar worthy thesis

This classical cel animated short is the thesis film of Seth Boyden. ‘An Object at Rest’ follows the life of a stone as it travels over the course of millennia. Seth’s short got picked up by the jury members of the Oscars, so he will be competing for best animated short of 2015.

30 minutes of action

My personal favourite of the year is without a doubt Kung Fury. This over the top action short started of as a trailer. Due to t’s massive amount of attention the makers aimed for a full length short and started a kickstarter project. The rest is history.



Enzo Greco
Editor for

concept.motion.direction — currently working as motion director at born05