Enzo’s Monday Motion #29: Infomercials

Enzo Greco
Published in
2 min readJan 11, 2016

Some commercials lean heavily on infographics and storytelling. Enjoy 5 of the best pieces in the subgenre called informercial.


Wonderlast is a Canadian design & animation studio who loves to tell stories. Like many of them, they created their own infomercial to show their belief but maybe even more their motion skills. If you’re thinking of a classic flat 2D motion piece, be sure to add them on your list.


Sometimes the goal of the motion isn’t selling products, but more on an educating level. ‘Power of a Box’ describes the evolution and scope of the CARE Foundation. Providing a box filled with food, survival and hope to the needed their message still stands strong today: making an effort to improve live quality.


Maybe calling him the Obama of the Advertisement industry is a bit far fetched, but Marcel Bluestein-Blanchet is one of the biggest game changers in the world of Advertisement. Not only did he start the first ad agency, he also bought a radio station to create airtime for sponsored brands. Watch the full story of the man behind Publicis below.

Motion beats message Part I

In the next infomercial motion beats the message and that’s not necessarily a good thing. The music is way too stocky and the voiceover overselling. Stacking up many USP’s results in focus loss. My advice would be: keep it simple and create enough budget for the audio. Turn off your headphones and watch the nice motion by Upper First.

Motion beats message Part II

Duration doesn’t have to be your enemy. The infomercial of Soa Aids Nederland proves this. I like that they’ve experimented with the voice over using a dialogue instead of the standard narrator. Also the audio is enriched with matching foley-sounds resulting in a better experience.

The biggest credits go to my friends at Plus One. Their cell motion skills are of world class and the timing is always spot on. Motion beating message doesn’t have to be a bad thing perse. As long as the concept, story and audio approach this high standard.



Enzo Greco
Editor for

concept.motion.direction — currently working as motion director at born05