Enzo’s Monday Motion #33: Super Bowl

Enzo Greco
Published in
3 min readFeb 8, 2016

There’s only one day where people are actually looking forward to see the commercials and that’s on Super Bowl Sunday. Here’s a double ABC of this year’s million dollar business.

A for Animals

These mini movies are as always filled with famous actors, athletes and artists.This year we can add animals to that list. Talking animals that is. From the American Eagle to Kung Fu Panda, from a Border Collie to the big bear. Choosing is loosing so I give you the best 3 spots featuring our furry friends.

If you want to go ‘Babe — Pig in the city’-classic you have to go with Honda. The American singing sheep keep the British flavour with Queen’s song Somebody to love.

When your outdoor’s brand name is Marmot the chosen animal is a given. Still their spot is really funny and surprising! With the tagline fall in love with the outside they created a comedy version of Brokeback Mountain.

Mount Dew’s holy trinity is the mix of dew, juice and caffeine. Their animal spot has a similar odd trinity, which due to the mantra vibe feels strangely normal.

A for Alcohol

The A in American super spots isn’t only for Animals. Alcoholic beverages have been supplying the Super Bowl commercials since the very beginning. Some go cinematic and get inspired by the title sequence of ‘World of War’ where we see the cycle of life of a bullet. Replace the bullet with beer, blend some proud American tradition in there and you got (on of) Budweiser’s commercial(s).

Budweiser’s alcoholic free brand took it literary a bit lighter and went full on fart jokes with the comedians Seth Rogan and Amy Shuman.

B for Banking

Banking is booming again. The bubble is back so we can go all in again. The only thing we learned from the last crisis… is that people use app’s! Your new mortgage is only one click away:

ps. some banks are slightly more picky and only give it to the great ones.

B for Butterfinger

TV breaks are also the perfect timing to get your drinks and snacks out. A perfect moment to remind your audience for Snickers, or a bag of Dorito’s or Skittles. But my favourite half time snack would be a Butterfinger. Perfectly over the top (with the over all theme animal in there)

C for Celebs

A short collection of this year’s line up: Alec Baldwin, Christopher Walken, Harvey Keitel, Serena Williams, William Dafoe, Paul Rudd, Lil’ Wayne, Drake and Missy Elliott. If your product is a shooter game and you want your spot to star a celeb you can only go for Mr. Platoon & Terminator himself. Watch Mobile Strike’s spot filled with inside jokes.

C for Cars

Let’s end up where we left last week with cars. Audi choose to promote their R8. A beautifully shot commercial with a heart. An old astronaut lost his lust for life. When his son visits him and hands over the key of his brand new Audi R8 he reimagines the lift of of his glory days. Wonder if the son in the passenger seat feels also alive with his demented father behind the wheel at full speed…

Also a special mention to Hyundai who went all in with 4 different spots. Each to magnify on of their new features. From the pedestrian detection in Ryanville, to the car finder in the first date, to their drive to be the best. I choose the last one which (again) features a talking animal. Hyundai presents remote control. Always handy when you get chased by hungry grizzly bears.



Enzo Greco
Editor for

concept.motion.direction — currently working as motion director at born05