Enzo’s Monday Motion #50: One Taker

Enzo Greco
Published in
2 min readJun 27, 2016

A scene that has no hard cuts is called a ‘one taker’. Production wise it’s your nightmare, but story wise it’s even more fulfilling.


What have Forrest Gump, Mad Men and Daft Punk got to do with each other?
One of the purposes of the one taker is to (literary) make seamless connections you normally wouldn’t make. The Sunday Times gathers the four corners of culture with iconic moments in art, music, film and tv. Directed by Us en produced by Academy Films.

Don’t miss out on the making of, which shows you the shot from another perspective.

Technology can’t do everything

Another tool is the point of view, which helps you identify yourself with the user and the product. The Under Armour spot is a great example which blew my mind. It starts of with a very interesting product. Followed by a strong script and even better timed camerawork where voice over ‘The Rock’ and story amplify each other.

if I have to hate on it, it won’t be that this one taker is done in post and not in real time. It would be that they used a hard cut after one second. The openingsshot on the phone is important, but at the same time easily blended into the next scene making it a 100% one taker (VFX stitches aside). Props to the complete team: concept by Droga5 , director Tom Tagholm and Squeak E. Clean Productions.

Born Ready

The Wrangler spot uses the same concept of Under Armour where a narrator guides the story. Where the previous spot focused on timing this concept leans more on the surprising outcome. Nice Dutch production with concept of We Are Pi and production by MediaMonks Film.

In theorie this shot could have been done by a Master drone pilot. The breakdown video shows us that they had a little help form the VFX department. Still a very nice and smooth transition.

Haters gotta Hate

Since we can still enjoy Euro 2016 I give you another football themed spot from the Carlsberg.

As part of their series ‘What if Carlsberg did…’ they substitute pessimists for optimists. Ryan Newey from Fold7 explains the concept: ‘Games aren’t just won and lost on the pitch, they’re won in the pub’.


In the last decade the Paralympics get their deserved attention. For the Canadian winter edition of 2012 BBDO Toronto created a spot where we see a track runner’s lap is linked to his own accident. Produced by Sons & Daughters en VFX by Crush Inc.



Enzo Greco
Editor for

concept.motion.direction — currently working as motion director at born05