Enzo’s Monday Motion #52: Drinks on me

Enzo Greco
Published in
2 min readJul 11, 2016

It’s Summer: the weather’s nice… Drinks are on me!

Summer Beers

Wieden + Kennedy did a nice job rebranding the classic summer beer Corona. With ‘This is Living’ the brand focusses on the true moments that matter: relaxing outdoor with your friends. Directed by Alvaro Sotomayer and Thierry Albert.

Hard Liquor

Before Snow White and the Huntsman’ director Rupert Sanders mostly produced commercials. One of his masterpieces is a spot for Absolute Vodka. This oldie is edit wise ahead of his time by embedding making of material into the spot. In this case it’s a substantial piece of the concept building up the tension to the end result.

Beer after wine…

Mixing drinks is often a bad idea. But in this case it works perfectly! Inland studios made a nice morphing motion piece where we easily go form wine, to wodka.

The dark side

Apparently not everyone drinks for fun. NERDO turned this dark poem of Charles Bukowski into a nice motion piece. The dive into the mind perfectly reflects the author’s state of mind.

Beer Bonds

A good thing is that the vast majority enjoys alcohol. This is perfectly shown in the latest Russian spot for Amstel by 180 Amsterdam. The style is totally different then we’re used to, but they deliver the same message: beer bonds. The Dutch brand slightly repositions itself to a premium brand. Props to director Björn Rühmen and production agency Blink.



Enzo Greco
Editor for

concept.motion.direction — currently working as motion director at born05