Enzo’s Monday Motion #83: Paper Motion

Enzo Greco
Published in
2 min readMar 20, 2017

The time that stop motion was only for the amateurs or low budget productions is far behind us. Today I want to put the spotlight on a sub-genre: paper motion.

Never a dull moment

When your focus is office stationary the link with paper stop motion ids easily made. Who didn’t play with post its on a dull moment.. This is the starting point of the commercial of Paperchase. Directed, produced and animated by Timothy Armstrong and Chester Travis.

Bless you

The same story goes for Japanese tissue manufacture Nepia. By choosing this technique they didn’t only display their product to the max, they instantly proved the high quality and extremely durability.

Dentsu Tokyo approached paper artist Motoki Ohno to create a world of animals and trees. Thus creating the second layer of the concept: paying a tribute to the production source of the tissue: mother nature. The style is kept clean and basic. Like the flow of the story we begin with the (end)product and work our way back to the source. The strong animation and interaction between the user (animator) and product (animal) elevate the quality of the spot even more.

The digital Collage

Americain retailer Target was one of the first companies who hopped on the pinterest train. They hand picked top designers and other influencers and asked them to create different boards. All displayed products were directly available at the Target (online) stores.

Ad agency Mother based the concept around the origin of pinterest: a paper collage of inspiration. Paper artist Daniel Sean Murphy created three dimensional sets and props entirely out of paper which animator Pete List brought to life.

The laborious Process

What better way to explain the laborious process of a video production than with stop motion! Salman Sajun visualised the creation process from brief to delivery (including the painstaking delivery process of final version DEF 23). Enjoy this colourful montage by Salman and his team.

And of course there’s also the interesting making of.

That other characteristic

There’s one specific characteristic feature that isn’t displayed yet. And that’s the approachable and affordable quality, also linked as cheap. Prepaid mobile network Telstra is one of them. By going for a rough style they want to communicate that campaigns don’t get paid by the consumer.

At the end of the day they all communicate to me the same thing: the love for detail and creativity.



Enzo Greco
Editor for

concept.motion.direction — currently working as motion director at born05