Enzo’s Motion Monday #25: Connect the dots…

Enzo Greco
Published in
2 min readDec 14, 2015

Sometimes you only need some dots and lines to tell a story.
The next set of animations shows what can be done with very little.

A ball and a stick

Like many of these animations, they start of as being simple animation exercises. Oscar Pettersson was curious how far he could come with shape layers and the graph editor (for creating custom made easings). The result is over 4.000 likes on Vimeo : )

Tiny Story

A team who’s unfortunately not working together anymore is Seas & Clim. Together they created some nice graphic designs and motion pieces in the past. The following animation is based on a series of posters in which they tried to communicate human behaviour into a simple composition of lines and dots. The end result of the complete set was ‘Tiny Story’:

In case you’re wondering… no they’re not dead.. 😉 simply working apart under their own names Sebastian Bap and Clim.


One Thousand is brand movie made by South Korean motion designer Ranisafa Tistory. Not only did he lit himself to circles and lines tot ell his story. He even went black & white. Good example of motion going to it’s core of composition and timing.

Adding one dimension

The ‘lines and dots theory’ doesn’t limit itself to 2D animation. Dan Braga created this simplistic ident for Adaptation Pictures in 3D.


In the world of infomercials, where hard to explain products have to be simplified, graphics are broadly used. For the educational platform Stekio motion designer Ignacio Osorio went back to our beloved circle.

God of Geometry

If I had to conclude with one name, who is the masters of geometrical shapes within motion it has to be Sander van Dijk. Creating mirrored compositions it’s not strange that one of his biggest influencers is Dutch artist Escher.

Even though all his animations feel very organic and fluent, he always starts with the underlying structure and keeps in mind which emotion needs to be triggered for the communication.

Mathematics and code involve in his workflow. He even went so far he created a software plug called Ouroboros, which lets you play around with an extra set of graphical motion within After Effects. What better way to present this tool by making a nice motion piece for it:

Enjoy his full portfolio for more nice animation.



Enzo Greco
Editor for

concept.motion.direction — currently working as motion director at born05