Freaky or funny? Five mind blowing music videos

Enzo Greco
Published in
2 min readDec 9, 2019

Enzo’s Monday Motion #191: artists love to experiment. Combine a musician with a director and the result can be quite surprising…

Next level

When the peaceful Japanese people go crazy, they outshine everyone. Director Kouhei Nakama not only pushes the limit of creativity and technical boundaries, but he also breaks the barrier.

With Nakama, I have the feeling he doesn’t think outside of the box. Simply because there isn’t one in the first place. He blends curiosity, skills, and eye for design and thoughtfully amplifies one surprising variable. A true visual magician.

Not for the faint-hearted

Maybe it’s best not to watch the next video while eating. It might ruin your appetite…

Give The Encyclopedia Pictura crew a set and some props and they pay back in creativity. The making of is (for the interested;) a feast to watch. No worms and ants were hurt during the production. Directed by Daren Rabinovitch.

Out of the shades

Where the band OK G gets its well deserved credits and views, American punk band !!! (yes, that’s their name) stands a bit in the shade. Rocking it since 1996 their music videos have the same fresh and experimental vibe.

From smart title design to smashing scene transitions. They make everything look so easy. The behind the scenes show it does take some time and effort. Extra credits to the whole team at Mighty 8 and director Saman Kesh.

Zen time

Experimental isn’t the same as chaos. Director/animator Hideki Inaba Kanahebi shows that it can also stand for harmony and serenity.

The mesmerizing tunes of the Swedish band Canigou match perfectly with the hypnotic CG work of Kanahebi. A perfect example where music and motion amplify each other.

Productive Pair

Musician Sam Tudor and director Lucas Hrubizna are frequent guests on my blog. The reason is simple: unseen and inspiring work.

The duo proofs that budget is not an issue. With months of preparation and only one day shoot (without a proper crew), they manage to deliver great work again and again. I would say: feel challenged and inspired!

Last Week

This year’s Christmas campaign trend is the classic hit that sticks in your head. Five brands that dream of a White (and well spent) Christmas:

Enzo Greco is Motion Director at Born05.



Enzo Greco
Editor for

concept.motion.direction — currently working as motion director at born05