Six impressive TV idents

Enzo Greco
Published in
3 min readJun 26, 2017

Enzo’s Monday Motion #95: Sometimes directors and motion designers need to tell a story in 5 seconds. TV networks are many times the clients for these mini spots a.k.a. idents.

Question Everything

The programmes on the Science Channel are way more exciting than you would expect. The Discovery Channel (spoiler alert: coming up) has proven that there is a market for the curious ones. This ident, dating already from 2013, is still as interesting as it was back then. Clearly proof of a strong concept and execution! I like how they extended the network logo into the concept. Probs for the client stopping their own style guide Gestapo. Directed by Dvein and produced by Blacklist.

Cartoon Network

Before the social platforms era idents were solely used in commercial breaks. It makes perfect sense that idents are appearing more and more on facebook. Bent Design Lab produced 80 short idents for social platforms based upon the Network stars like The Powerpuff Girls.

The production agency approached many different animators who delivered assets in their own preferred production technique. The mash up of 2D, CGI and stop motion work really well due to the systematic use of the channel’s colour palet and smart compositions. A nice call by director duo Solomon Burbridge and Joshua Cox.

Family Idents

With more media channels the amount of time grew equally in ‘idents-land’. Frequent idents guest CBS gave this freedom to Studio Hansa for the rebranding of the whole the CBS group including their sub channels Action, Drama and Reality. With a simple but strong over arching style they managed to give each sub channel space for their own sub style in execution.

Action movies are all about a rollercoaster of emotions and thrills. With subtile hints of movie classics such as the boulder scene: of Raiders of the Lost Ark they delivered a nice spot.

In life every action has its reaction. This thought is behind the Reality channel and it’s ident. Hansa created a Rube Goldberg machine where random objects interact in a big chain reaction. The concept on itself is not original, but the execution is very nice.

Even though all the idents are totally different in style and execution they have a common thought. They all take place in (their own) surreal wonderland. The story build up with universal ending gave studio Hansa the creative freedom they strongly desired.


Channels also deliver short idents for their specific programmes. To promote the sixth season of American Horror Story they delivered agency Block & Tackle kind of a problem: the theme of the season would not be revealed until the premiere. How can you tease a season with no story, footage, or style to work from? This disadvantage was smartly turned into mystery campaign where a new logo was designed based around different horror scenes.


What’s an ident set without Mtv! The network’s previous idents are so legendary and diverse, that it presents itself as a blank cheque. As long as the network’s logo is on the end, you can do everything. Masanobu Hiraoka delivered a Manga style ident which is cute and horrific at the same time. The splashing body parts are coloured in bright candy colours which makes it all strangely friendly.


TV programmes can shine new light on stories. This change of perspective is the concept behind the ident for Discovery Channel Japan. Agency Onesal created sculptures in 3D where two different worlds are smartly blend together.

Besides this ident Onesal delivered two more idents. Visit their Behance page for the complete set and interesting style frames.



Enzo Greco
Editor for

concept.motion.direction — currently working as motion director at born05