With these five videos, the magic happens on set…

Enzo Greco
Published in
2 min readJan 6, 2020

Enzo’s Monday Motion #195: In a world where everything is possible in post, it’s liberating to see actual in-camera effects. This is my tribute to the real craftsmen on set.

An otter’s tale

I’m curious if director Nina Gantz played a little word joke with her homage to English (p)otter William De Morgan.

De Morgan’s love for (mosaic) prints can be found in the prints of the Spanish fashion brand Loewe and his experimental and innovative character in the commercial produced by Blinkink. Even though the techniques and transitions remind me of Wes Anderson, Gantz manages to turn it into her very own style. For the stop-motion fans, there’s some nice making-of material available.

A walk in the park

Barclays shows that they can be of real help in your everyday life.

The choice for in-camera effects works in many ways: it’s real, (seemingly) easy, and accessible for everyone, just like the service itself. Director Henry Scofield added some slick transitions which keep up the pace. Credits to the hands-on team of Caviar Films.

It’s raining sideways

British, Dutch, but also Belgian like Stromae and OrelSan have their share of bad weather…

Director-trio Paul, Luc & Martin deliver clever, interesting, and surprising shots. Neither wind nor rain were elements the production team of Phantasm couldn’t handle. A production that doesn’t give me the shivers, but a warm feeling.


As if OK Go released a new short music video…

On the new platform ‘Go Ultra Low’ you can find your next environmental friendly car. The brand doesn’t aim for a futuristic style, but approachability. Hence the smart scenes that bring a smile to your face. Directed by Bob Partington and produced by1stAveMachine.

Clever optical illusions

French artist Jain might be young, she already has a trademark music video style filled with visual tricks.

Since her debut song, Jain has worked with the director duo Greg & Lio, famous for their visual trickery. I think I’m more in love with the latter than the happy tracks of la Française.

Last Week

Traditionally I round up the year with my personally curated short-film list. Check out the 2019 edition from tiny private projects to big commercial campaigns.

Enzo Greco is Motion Director at Born05.



Enzo Greco
Editor for

concept.motion.direction — currently working as motion director at born05