A little of organisation

Erwan 🌸
Published in
3 min readJul 5, 2018

Organisation is something important that you should care about. Productivity comes with organisation so even if it’s complicated for some of you, you should think about it a bit more.

Here I will give you some little tips to be organised without having to spend hours on that and by staying effective.

Plan in advance

You should as much as possible plan things in advance. It’s not something that requires much time and it’s not that hard to do. For example, on Sunday, take 20 minutes during the day to plan all your week. Not necessarily go into details, but at least know what you will have to do during the week, and know how you will assign them to the day of the week. Also you could take a little 10 minutes every nights to plan what you will do the next day.

A to-do list :

I made a post about the 5 reason to have a to-do list few days ago, and the organisation is one of them. You can’t imagine the power that can have a simple to-do list well made, on your productivity and organisation. The best with that, is that it doesn’t requires much time to set up or handle in your daily life.

Setting goals

The to-do list is great, but it’s mainly for some task and things that you have to do. You should also setting some goals beside of that. The task of your to-do list will be the step to go to your goals. It’s easier and better to acheive things when you know why you do them, you finaly just have to follow the line of your task by keeping your goals in mind.
By goals, I don’t mean life goals, but just little goals which requires mutiples steps to be accomplished. For example, one of my goal could be to write my post for the whole next week, and I will create a task per post in my to-do list. A more accurate one, I could have a goal to write 100 posts. For that, my tasks will be to write posts more often for example.


Another important point to gelp your organisation : Prioritise. That’s great to know what to do and for what, but it’s even better when you know in which order you will have to do them. With that it will avoid that you wondering yourself if you should do this or that first, and also have a eye on the dependencies of your tasks. In other terms, it avoid you to waste time.

These few little and fast tips help me to be more organised and at the end to be more productive. I hope they will works for you as for me, but mainly, don’t hesitate to personalise them to get the most of these tips.

Thank you for reading. If you liked it, don’t hesitate to follow me or to leave some claps or comments to let me know your opinion. Sharing is also allowed and free !

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Erwan 🌸
Editor for

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