Handle your stress

Erwan 🌸
Published in
2 min readJul 13, 2018
Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

The stress is something that everyone have to deal with and it something really to do.

Usually you enter in an endless loop when you try it, you tell to yourself to not stress, to calm down, but it makes you more stressed because it doesn’t really works and you’re stressed about it.

The origin of your stress can be many reasons, but at the end you still have the same feeling of being stressed. For that, you could work on it to learn how to handle it and at least be less stressed.

I will try to share my tips about that, wich works for me, but it will maybe not works for you. You mainly have to find your own way to reduce your stress by adapting what I will tell you.

The first point and the easiest one is to find the origin of your stress. Generally you mainly know why you’re stressed, but here you will have to develop and analyse that. Why this thing in particular makes you stress, what are you afraid for etc… Clearly understand why you’re stressed can help you to reduce it a bit.

Another point is to think about all the scenarios which could happen. The good, like the bad ones. Then think about this well know quote :

“What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”

In the baddest scenario, will you die ? If not, you should relativise about it and think that that’s not something that requires to be stressed for, it will not change your whole life in the bad scenario. Even for exams or something like that, you can always do them again later, if it’s a date, you can have another one, if it’s a meeting for a job, you could have another one for another job…

The last point is to understand that being stressed will not help you. You already know that, but there is a difference between know and apply. Think that by being stressed, you’re not yourself, you can’t focus on what you would like and you can’t prepare yourself as you should, so it increases the chance to fail what you’re stressed for. Except for good stress, but that’s something completly different, you should try to avoid to be really stressed.

Obviously you can be a bit stressed, but it should not interfere with your normal abilities. Also, handle your stress is not something simple, try to practice and od it step by step until you start to see a difference on yourself.

Thank you for reading. If you liked it, don’t hesitate to follow me or to leave some claps or comments to let me know your opinion. Sharing is also allowed and free !

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Erwan 🌸
Editor for

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