BOS Platform Plans and Progress

BOScoin: Self-Evolving Cryptocurrency Platform

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7 min readMay 7, 2017


This document describes the progress we made over the past year and the plans for future.

The Purpose of the Project

The BOScoin Platform is a decentralized self-evolving cryptocurrency built on “Trust Contracts” and an embedded decision making system called the “Congress Network”.

(1) Trust Contracts are securely executable contracts based on a protocol layer called the Owlchain Protocol. Trust Contracts aim to overcome the issues regarding non-decidable smart contracts by using a more contained and comprehensible programming framework which provides secure and decidable transactions of contracts.

(2) The Congress Network is the decision making body in the BOScoin platform which solves governance issues arising in decentralized organizations. Through a clearly defined and automated governance system, we aim to continuously develop the community and software into a more anti-fragile ecosystem.

Organizational Structure

The BOS Platform Foundation(BPF), a non-profit foundation in Zug Switzerland, is the entity that supports the BOScoin project and manages the fund for projects budgets. The BOScoin Fundraiser will be conducted under this foundation. BPF will fund the project to achieve its milestones, build the decentralized ecosystem around, and nurture the community around world.

BlockchainOS(BOS) is a for-profit company based in South Korea that delivers the BOScoin development and builds potential businesses on top of the BOScoin platform. BOS, as the first proposer of this project, will develop the platform and ontology protocol so that anyone can utilize the protocol without any limitation. BOS also has a plan to set up research centers in several cities (e.g. SF in USA or London in England) and bring great developers into BOScoin projects to work globally.

Stardaq is a for-profit company that is incorporated in South Korea and also the name of the application service on top of the BOScoin platform. Stardaq is a prediction market where people can bet on public figures by setting a long or short position. This service will use Stardaq Dollars which will be proportionally convertible with BOScoin tokens. It has a goal to be a service that has one-hundred-million active users.. Stardaq has tested its mobile application alpha version and will launch a service globally first in English, Chinese, and Korean.

Delicracy, short for Deliberative Democracy, is a collective decision making tool where people, politicians, or market researchers can conduct surveys to get reliable statistical and qualitative results. This tool works by placing bets on a set of proposals. This type of system can help promote transparency and participation for decision-making processes in organizations large and small.

The above three organization will support the BOS Platform Foundation(BPF) at the initial stage to bootstrap the ecosystem and increase the value of the network. While BPF focuses on delivering the promised developments and milestone as well as increasing the value of the network. Independent project proposals that contribute to the ecosystem will also be given the opportunity to get voted on Congress and funded by Commons Budget if passed.


Before the Commons Budget becomes an effective self-funding and catalyzing function of the BOS ecosystem, funds are required to kickstart both the development and proliferation of the platform.

Equally important is the usage of the tokens on the network. In order to grow the usage of the token, consumer-facing applications are developed and deployed with the blockchain. Applications are also supported by the funds raised from the fundraisers.

There are two fundraising events for this project: the Pre-Fundraiser event and the Fundraiser event.

Pre-Fundraiser was carried out from November 2016 to January 2017. We raised 2815.425 BTC which makes up 26.8% of the Genesis state. Further details regarding the Pre-Fundraiser can be found in our post, Pre-Fundraiser Results.

The Fundraiser will be carried out from the 10th of May 2017 to the 20th of June 2017. We are aiming to raise 6,902.342 BTC which will make up 55.2% of the Genesis state.

Through our Fundraiser we hope to get a diverse range of users involved in the community.

Year 1 — Kickstarting the BOS Platform

Focus : Core BOS Platform Protocol, Two Apps and Community Development

BOS Platform Milestones

  • M0 Demo [2017 May 2nd] : Trust Contract Concept
  • M1 Alpha [2017 July] : Testnet (FBA, Trust Contract(remittances), Inference Engine (No incentive system)
  • M2 Genesis [2017 October] : Livenet (Simple Trust Contracts with Inference Engine & Blockchain Explorer)
  • M3 Nebula : Proposals and Voting Ontology development and application
  • M4 Sirius : Self-evolving chain and SPV Mobile Wallets

Platform/Protocol Development

We have modularized the development of the platform into five parts. You can follow the development progress on Github.

Consensus Development : After looking through and testing several consensus protocols, the development team decided to go with a modified version of the Federated Byzantine Agreement algorithm which delivers +1,000 transactions per second and flexibility with the number of nodes.

The consensus algorithm will be implemented in steps. The first implementation will be applied without the incentive mechanism in M1 — Alpha. The mFBA or modified FBA will be applied for M2 — Genesis block.

Inference Engine/TAL Development : The inference engine and ontology integration was carried out earlier than expected in the previous milestones. For the M1 — Alpha, the formal specification for the inference engine will be released. At M2 — Genesis block, the inference engine and reasoner will be integrated to the blockchain.

Ontology Development : Basic ontologies and financial ontologies will be imported into the network and ontologies specific to cryptocurrencies will have be to developed. These ontologies will need to be tested and converted for the BOS Platform. At M2 — Genesis block, basic ontologies will be imported into the network for users to use.

Governance Development : Governance development will be targeted for M3 and M4.

Wallets : Web wallets will be developed for year 1.

Peripheral Development

Blockchain Explorer : A graphical user interface and APIs to navigate the BOS Platform network, including the status of nodes, Trust Contracts, the performance of transactions, etc.

Governance Forum : A basic forum for the community to discuss issues regarding the BOS platform will be developed.

Application Development

Stardaq : Conceptualization, designing architecture, setting up infrastructure, development, testing and releasing the product along with the Genesis block is the plan for year-1. Stardaq is currently undergoing a re-design and further internal testing.

Delicracy : Similarly to Stardaq conceptualization, designing architecture, setting up infrastructure, development, testing and releasing the product along with the Genesis block is the plan for year 1. Delicracy is currently being tested in political parties in within South Korea.

Community Development

Preliminary activities for developing the community has been carried out, but has mainly been focused in South Korea. We have running weekly meetups in Seoul and intend to expand developer and business meetups throughout major cities in Korea.

This year we participated in global blockchain meetups such as the Berlin Blockchain Meetup and meetups in London such as the London Blockchain Meetup and the Coinscrum Meetup. Later in the year we are planning to visit other cities around the world to develop a network of blockchain enthusiasts.

Coin Interview with BOScoin

Year 2 : Development and Stabilization of BOS Platform

Focus : Full BOS Platform Protocol, Global App and Global Community Development

Platform/Protocol Development

Consensus Development : In year two, the mFBA algorithm will have to be optimized for speed. There will be further development of creating and running efficient quorums to sustain high transaction speeds.

Inference Engine/TAL Development : The inference engine which is where the processing of Trust Contracts happen will need constant updates and optimization for speed. The focus for year two will be to process more complex Trust Contracts.

Ontology Development : More complex ontologies will be added to the network as well as the testing of interdependence of ontologies.

Governance Development : Proposals and voting will be fully operational in year two. The main focus will be blockchain-based proposals and the automated application of systems proposals.

Wallets : Android and iOS SPV wallets will be released.

Peripheral Development

Blockchain Explorer : Further development of APIs and expansion of features.

Governance Forum : Expansion of features of forum and closer integration with BOS network.

Application Development

Stardaq : Development towards market fit will be continued into year two. The main focus for year 2 is Globalizing the service.

Delicracy : Delicracy will be aimed towards larger organizations as well as sets of organizations. Globalization will also be an important part of the agenda.

Community Proposed Application #1 : Additional applications to promote the usage of BOScoins will be supported by the Foundation.

Community Development

From year 2, the BOS Platform Foundation will officially start to develop developer communities abroad.

Start and operate communities in major blockchain hubs such as (but not excluded to) London, Berlin, New York, San Francisco, Seoul, Tokyo, and Shanghai.

Community Events and Support : funding for meetups around the world and particular events, such as in (but not excluded to) San Francisco, Toronto, New York, Berlin, and Seoul, where many of our developers and community are based.

Year 3 : Enterprise Trust Contracts

Focus : Business and government applications of Trust Contracts

Platform/Protocol Development

Blockchain Platform : Development will be focused on scalability and speed for the application of Trust Contracts in enterprise-level environments.

Peripheral Development

Additional services to support the Platform will be supported.

Application Development

Enterprise applications will be actively supported. The BOS Platform Foundation will focus on blockchain based government projects and large enterprise projects. Application of Trust Contracts in real businesses will be the core focus.

Community Development

Professional and business communities will be promoted.

Year 4 : Transition to Self-Sustainability

Focus : Transition from core team to global community

Platform/Protocol Development

Blockchain Platform : For year four, the focus of the development will shift to transitioning to a more open project with greater participation from the community.

Peripheral Development

Blockchain Explorer & Governance Forum : Transition towards being more community managed.

Additional services to support the Platform will be supported.

Application Development

Application development will be supported from the BOS Platform but there will a transition towards self-funding and community proposed development and marketing of applications.

Community Development

Transition towards domain-driven communities.

Year 5 : To Be Determined by the Community…

BOScoin is designed to be evolve according to contemporary needs.

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