BOScoin Homepage Renewed

Published in
2 min readOct 27, 2017


We said the newsletters will be rolling out on Mondays, but we do have a brief announcement to make and these short announcements will come in the days to follow and the first of the series is that our website is renewed and up and running. The renewed website is more focused on a design overhaul, to be in line with the design theme of BOScoin, whereas the old website wasn’t in conjunction with the overall design theme of BOScoin. We have updated some other material to reflect current status regarding the team and development.

When you visit our website, you can see “Wallet” for you to access our Web-wallet on top of the page, but this will only be available once the blockchain network is live so this has yet to come.

“Blog” will redirect you to our Medium blog and we will post our materials and newsletters in that space as we did before, so you can check out the progression since the very beginning of the project.

We also added “Forums” which we did not have before. Forums will be on soon and this space will be our primary channel of communication. We are not planning to leave Slack or any other channel as of now but we do expect a gradual migration. You can create your own topic and post replies to get a discussion going. The default language will be English but if you feel your language is not represented given the size of the community, you can ask an admin to create a new Category dedicated to your language. A more detailed description on how Forums will be managed, please refer to general policies once forum is up.

We will keep you posted on how development is going, so we will send you an announcement every so often until the actual launch of TokenNet!!!

