Boson Protocol announces Fuse as a dCommerce ecosystem partner.

Boson Protocol
Published in
3 min readMar 17, 2021

Boson Protocol, the dCommerce primitive that solves the digital to physical redemption problem, is delighted to announce that Fuse, the peer-to-peer payments and mobile infrastructure network will become a Boson Protocol ecosystem partner.

Fuse and Boson Protocol will collaborate by jointly promoting both ecosystems to developers to explore and build new applications on. In addition, Fuse and Boson will work on integrating Boson Protocol’s ‘Thing Token’ for users to discover on the FuseSwap DEX.

By promoting Fuse and Boson developer ecosystem tools, non-crypto businesses and communities can easily deploy a peer-to-peer, self-service smart contract platform with mobile infrastructure. In addition, Boson Protocol will provide an integrated dCommerce layer, enabling access to a next generation, NFT powered commerce protocol that removes middlemen and minimises arbitration, cost and friction.

Boson Protocol enables trustless digital-to-physical redemption by using NFTs encoded with game theory and disrupts e-commerce platforms by tokenizing things and their data within a liquid digital market, built on DeFi. This enables the creation of a decentralized commerce ecosystem, powered by a stack of specialist applications, resulting in the demonopolization and democratization of commerce.

Fuse operates as an open source, permissionless full stack solution with a range of products and services with Stripe-like functionalities, for launching financial products for non-crypto-native users. Fuse’s mission is to provide the tools and infrastructure that empower anyone to play a part in building the economic systems of tomorrow. Fuse is committed to an ultra low extraction model with a maximum of $0.01 extracted from transactions.

As Fuse is committed to a multi-chain, interoperability-centric strategy to improve the flow of liquidity, it’s the perfect environment to trade and swap the Boson Protocol ‘Thing Token’. Thing tokens are ERC20 tokens — think ‘generalized unisocks’, that can be transferred and traded using standard crypto infrastructure such as wallets and exchanges. Most powerfully, Thing tokens plug into DeFi infrastructure to enable liquid digital markets for any Thing. This includes using decentralized exchanges (DEXs) like Balancer, Uniswap and FuseSwap to enable price discovery and yield optimization of existing products.

“I’m very excited about our partnership with Fuse; the scope and breadth of its solution provides the perfect ecosystem for Boson Protocol to integrate with. Fuse and Boson will provide a fully open, permissionless peer to peer dCommerce solution enabling non crypto-native businesses to on-ramp into a free flowing tokenized ecosystem, where connected merchants and peers operate in a trust minimised, low cost, low friction environment.” — Justin Banon, Founder & CEO, Boson Protocol

About Fuse

Fuse Network is a scalable platform for token-using applications built upon an Ethereum-compatible proof-of-stake blockchain. Its key features are Fuse Studio, and the upcoming Fuse Cash consumer-facing payment wallet. True to its mission of bringing blockchain-powered transactions to the masses, Fuse enables the rapid creation of communities around customized tokens. Among the projects already running on Fuse are GoodDollar and Wikibank.

About Boson Protocol

Boson Protocol’s vision is to enable a decentralized commerce ecosystem by funding and enabling the development of a stack of specialist applications to disrupt, demonopolize and democratize commerce.

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Boson Protocol

Boson Protocol enables an open tokenized economy for commerce by automating digital to physical redemptions using NFTs encoded with game theory.