Boson Protocol Live AMA transcript: March 26th, 2.30PM UTC

Boson Protocol
Published in
8 min readMar 26, 2021

We love doing these AMAs as it allows us to interact with you, the community, and answer the questions that you want to hear about. Today, we had the pleasure of hosting an AMA in our own telegram channel. Just in case you missed it, we’ve created a transcript which you can view below.

The AMA was hosted by our Head of Community Alastair Band. In addition to founder and CEO Justin Banon answering questions, we were joined by Bruno Ahualli (Marketing Director), Jonas Seiferth (Strategy) and Luis Carranza, who provided a precise answer to an intriguing question at the end of the AMA!


///////Transmission Begins//////

AB: Ok, the channel has been muted because it is AMA time! My name is Alastair and I’m the Head of Community here at Boson Protocol, joining me today is @JustinBanon and also @brunoahualli

We may have some more members of the team pop in too, we’re all super excited to be hosting to be hosting another community AMA. There’s been lots of traction and it’s super busy on our end!

JB: Hi everyone, Justin Banon, here. How are you all?

BA: Hey everyone! Let’s get this AMA started!

AB: I’m very well, thank you Justin. How are you both?

JB: Very well, thanks…

AB: Great! And you, @brunoahualli ?

BA: All is well, trajectory is good!

AB: Excellent. Let’s jump right in…

For those that have never heard about Boson, can you help them with a short introduction, in layman terms, as to what Boson Protocol is and what problem it’s going to solve?

BA: Let me answer this one…

Boson Protocol is a new foundational layer for Web3 designed to disrupt traditional commerce markets and allow buyers and sellers to exchange digital value for real-world products and services.

“Foundational layer” means “the plumbing of a construction site” that builders can work on top of. “Web3” is the new internet — powered by decentralized networks where people are not separated from the data and value they create, allowing for protocols that value privacy and self-sovereignty as first principles, not an afterthought.

Boson Protocol’s vision is to enable a decentralized commerce ecosystem by funding and enabling the development of a stack of specialist applications to disrupt, demonopolize and democratize commerce. Boson Protocol achieves this via an open tokenized economy of things which: automates the redemption of digital rights for physical assets using NFTs encoded with game theory.

Our technology disrupts legacy e-commerce platforms by tokenizing things and their data within a liquid digital market, built on DeFi.

AB: Great, thank you Bruno

As NFTs gain more popularity Boson is on the right track to capture this growing market, so what are the plans to successfully market $BOSON and how will the token gain value?

JB: We’re working together with key players in the NFT art space to enable delivery of physical counterparts of NFT art. This will be one of the first verticals we target for the adoption of Boson Protocol. Gaming is also a huge vertical that we are interested in. We have joined the Blockchain Gaming Alliance and are in talks with game developers and decentralized virtual worlds. We want to enable avatars to trustlessly exchange value for real-world products and services.

$BOSON tokens accrue value from a minimally extractive fee for coordinating transactions and when third parties access data via the Boson Web3 data marketplace.

This enables Boson to unlock two planetary-scale value pools: A Global decentralized network for commerce transactions and a Global Web3 data store for commerce data.

We have a great team of Token Engineers, designing our value flows. Here’s one- Sebnem.

Fundamentally, we are introducing the “dCommerce sustainability loop”, which powers the core Token utility and allows us to foster the dCommerce ecosystem with a constant stream of grants. This is going to be a massive open innovation experiment.

For more on the dCommerce Sustainability Loop, please see this:

AB: That’s fascinating stuff right there, we really do have some amazing brains here!

AB: Are you looking to further expand the team as the scope of the project is quite huge and the team needs to expand as it grows down the line?

JB: Yes. We have hired almost three dozen new people in the past few months and continue to do so. Building Boson Protocol is an ambitious endeavor and onboarding the best people is the only way to do this. The team will continue to expand as well as the ecosystem. None of this can happen overnight and we have a lot of work ahead. If you’re reading this and you’re at the top of your game in Web3 development, please do get in touch.

AB: So far in the last one month itself there have been numerous partnerships that have happened, Bridge Mutual, Crucible Network, SwashApp, BitHolla, Coinpass, Blockchain Game Alliance, Duck DAO, and many others. Can you briefly talk about them and how will they be helping in the growth of Boson’s ecosystem?

JB: Sure. I have had to download the Docusign app onto my phone to keep up with the flood of partnerships. It’s crazy!

We’re really delighted at the way the market is reacting to Boson Protocol. Our vision of creating a world where dCommerce is part of the natural order aligns well with a variety of ecosystem partners. Whether it’s gaming, NFT art, metaverse platforms, exchanges or dCommerce marketplaces, all of the partners share the belief that Web3 requires a different way of looking at commerce, data, insurance and the way that value is perceived and exchanged.

Boson Protocol is not a platform itself, so it relies on partnerships and collaboration with ecosystem partners. We’re doing the groundwork with some amazing ecosystem partners to build the foundation of dCommerce.

BA: Worth adding that we have announced details about a very important partnership today: Ocean Protocol:

AS: Thanks, Justin (and Bruno). I am going to open up the channel to the community for some questions now.

It will be open for 60 seconds. Please one question each and I will then mute again so we can answer.


Dominik Sz: On which Crypto platform will be possible to trade BOSON after 7th April?

BA: We’re unable to talk about exchange listings at this time, unfortunately.

Michael S.: Hi. is there any way to change ETH address after registration is approved?

AB: I can handle this one, yes there is. Please DM @WanderingHeidi or @DemiLeBrocq

Mika: That’s my birthday, can I have 100 free tokens.?

BA: It’s my birthday as well on the 5th, lets see what we can get!

Oguzhan Aslan: Hello to everyone. Is there a partnership for the project will make Turkey?

BA: We’re a global program and have a lot of amazing support in Turkey, Vendetta Capital for example has been providing tremendous value, connecting with the local community. We definitely welcome everyone!

AB: There are a lot of projects out there that allow you to earn passive income, will holding $BOSON enable this too?

BA: Great question — We are due to reveal the staking mechanism soon. We have one of the strongest token engineering teams, who have developed a range of mechanisms from passive staking to earning rewards from onboarding supply and curating high quality supply. Watch-out for an article about to drop..!

AB: Whoohoo! Exciting times ahead!

Peter Jameson: Where do you guys see Boson in 1 and 5 years?

JS: In 1 year we’re looking to be an established protocol for commerce in the blockchain ecosystem, seing the first use-cases break into the mainstream (like what we see today with art NFTs)

In 5 years we plan to be the building block of a vibrant dCommerce ecosystem, the TCP/IP for commerce.

For further reading we have a Medium article coming out today introducing the dCommerce stack.

Mubarok Hsn: I submitted my kyc 2days ago still pending please check it

BA: Thanks for your interest in the project Mubarok! We are receiving thousands of applications per day, so there’s about 3–5 business days to process each application typically. Please hold tight!

Mr Crypto: How do I check status with blockpass

AB: Please check the status of your application with Blockpass here:

Dominik Sz: I live in Poland and work in Public Relations and Public Affairs. Do you need someone to work in this market + translation and communication in Polish?

BA: Please do reach out to our team — and for current job openings, please visit:

JoseL: What are your main competitors?

BA: Our obvious competitors are the e-commerce giants. Challenging incumbents is always hard, especially when these are some of the largest and best-resourced companies in the world who have massive economies of scale and vertical integrations that shut out competitors. We cannot simply take their business model and create ‘Amazon on a blockchain’ — that is not what we are about. We cannot compete on the same playing field, so we need to create an entirely new one.

Boson Protocol’s vision is to enable a decentralized commerce ecosystem by funding and accelerating the development of a swarm of specialized applications to disrupt, demonopolize and democratize commerce.

In the blockchain space, there may be a few competitors doing pieces of what we do, but most are first generation efforts to solving the problem. While the first-generation decentralized commerce platforms have proven the technical feasibility of displacing centralized platforms, they have as yet failed to address all the needs of consumers and thus they have not seen significant consumer adoption.

Nata Kuma: Is BOSON more friendly to the Earth ecosystem then bitcoin? Less harmful?

BA: Great question — Bitcoin and Ethereum are examples of Layer 1 blockchains. Both are currently Proof of Work, and Ethereum is migrating into Proof of Stake. BOSON is currently built on top of Ethereum. The earth friendly point is important, but not one we can directly address.

Wael Rajab: How much wood can a wood chuck, chuck if a wood could chuck wood?

LC: Great Question. Researchers at Cornell determined that a woodchuck could chuck about 700 pounds: (

AB: This has been great, thank you all so much for joining and answering our community questions. I think it’s time for us to all get back to work and close the week out here at HQ!

So much to do and so little time

BA: Thanks Everyone

/// End of transmission ///

About Boson Protocol

Boson Protocol’s vision is to enable a decentralized commerce ecosystem by funding and enabling the development of a stack of specialist applications to disrupt, demonopolize and democratize commerce.

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Builders, we have news for you:

Our Core Repo is open on GitHub and here’s the Documentation website.

Lastly, if you’re a decentralization enthusiast, please follow us here, on Medium. We will post frequently about our dCommerce journey and would love to hear your comments!

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Boson Protocol

Boson Protocol enables an open tokenized economy for commerce by automating digital to physical redemptions using NFTs encoded with game theory.