Community Newsletter #9: Boson Wins 2 Prizes at ETHGlobal!

Alastair Band
Published in
4 min readMay 27, 2021

Hello Bosonauts,

I hope everyone is well and safe. This week, as per usual, has been a big one at Boson HQ. We are well truly going down the Metaverse rabbit hole and will be sharing some pretty interesting information from our musings very soon — in fact we will be starting a weekly metaverse update soon. We’ve been sharing the latest articles internally for a few weeks now and Rhian Lewis made the suggestion we share them with our amazing community — details inbound.

This evening we are hosting our very first dCommerce Meetup — “A Look Into Boson Protocol” with talks from Holly Atkinson, Ludovic Levalleux, Heather Swope and the man himself, Justin Banon! Be sure to register here:

Highlight of the fortnight

Boson Protocol wins 2 prizes at the ETHGlobal Scaling Ethereum Hackathon!

Boson Cross-Chain created by Gregor Borosa, Ludovic Levalleux, Heather Swope and Ali Azam was awarded two prizes at the ETHGlobal Scaling Ethereum Hackathon from sponsors Polygon and Chainlink!

The team presented the solution to sell physical goods across different blockchains through a mechanism to transfer a given quantity of an ERC1155 token, from a chain with a low demand to another chain with higher demand.

Check out the project here:

Heather Swope and Ludovic Levalleux will be presenting tonight at the dCommerce Meetup #1 — A look into Boson Protocol.

Sign up here to find out more about the project and ask any questions!

Latest Articles

The role of identity in the future of Metaverse Commerce

Looking forward to a world where Web3 technologies intersect with rapidly evolving virtual reality and augmented reality capabilities, we ask; what is required to unlock commerce in virtual worlds and the emerging open metaverse.

Our face-to-face interactions are now supplemented with social time spent on digital platforms, from Zoom and Airtable to Fortnight, Decentraland and Cryptovoxels. Businesses and shops are opening up in virtual worlds, and Boson Protocol made history this month with the world’s first billboard recruitment campaign in the Metaverse.

Learn more about:

  • Solving the deepfake problem
  • A new interoperable digital identity
  • Cryptonative payment systems

Read the full article here

Meet the team

In conversation with Holly Atkinson on NFTs

Meet Holly Atkinson, Head of Metaverse Technology at Boson Protocol and NFT collector.

“I lead a team of developers focused on NFT art & gaming integrations, as well as pilot programs and partnerships. Right now we’re focused on delivering Boson’s flagship project — MetaMall — demonstrating our core protocol and its underlying mechanism backed by game theory, enabling trust-minimised digital-to-physical redemptions”

Read the full interview here

Expert Interview: Aditya Asgaonkar on Boson Protocol core exchange mechanism

We’re delighted to have Aditya Asgaonkar join Boson Protocol as a Researcher working on the design of the core exchange mechanism. We asked him to introduce himself in his own words.

You can watch the interview on Youtube here:

(embed youtube video)

Or view the written transcript here

Boson Protocol AMA with Lead Wallet

Boson Protocol had the pleasure of joining Lead Wallet for a live AMA with Boson Protocol’s Head of Strategy Jonas Seiferth and Head of Community Alastair Band!

The Lead Wallet audience challenged us with some tricky questions. In case you missed it, you can view the transcript here.

Signing off for another fortnight

Thank you for reading the newsletter and staying up to date. We will be back soon with more! Join the conversation with the rest of our community on telegram. We hope you have a fantastic end to your week.

All the best,

Alastair Band

Head of Community


About Boson Protocol

Boson Protocol’s vision is to enable a decentralized commerce ecosystem by funding and enabling the development of a stack of specialist applications to disrupt, demonopolize and democratize commerce.

Stay close: Telegram | Twitter | LinkedIn | Website | YouTube | Medium

