Optimus Prime: Engineering the Alpha (Female)

Anne Curbow
Bossey Boots
Published in
4 min readNov 16, 2016

Welp, I survived Phase I (Prime).

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That’s the real goal of this program: Become a Transformer.[/caption]

The first two weeks weren’t as terrible as expected, and lots of marvelous things happened. The second two weeks, however… ROUGH.

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Yes, Kerry Washington. I am. [/caption]

In the interest of full disclosure, I lacked the same tenacious, rigid discipline I had in the first two weeks. The dietary requirements were easier (more carbs), so it wasn’t difficult; I just made different choices. As such, I recognize that my results will be less dramatic, and that “what could have been” will always lie within this two week period.

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This two weeks will be my fluffy unicorn. [/caption]

I’m still losing weight. My measurements are smaller. I did have a few nights out drinking. While I stuck to hard liquor and a 3 drink max, I still ingested useless calories, even though I adjusted my food intake on these days.

Halloween in Chicago screwed me; I ended my night out with a slice of pizza that was larger than my face. Do I regret it? No. I’m still salivating over how delightful that tasted after two weeks of deprivation.

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LOL me to that pizza tho[/caption]

The next day, I went out for Indian food with my best friend’s family. Do I regret that, either? Absolutely not. Indian food is delicious. What I regret is eating so much I felt one poke away from exploding. What can I say? I was pumped about Samosas and butter chicken.

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But like, Indian food. Diet? What diet? INDIAN FOOD.[/caption]

I behaved the rest of the week. I discovered the low-sugar magic that is Lindt Supreme Dark Chocolate (90% Cocoa) on days where I really felt unstable without a little love from chocolate. This revealed an interesting thing to me: What I craved from “chocolate” was more the high sugar content than the actual chocolate. Having 90% cocoa sent some drastic changes down the taste bud chain-of-command, and in the weeks since, I’ve actually come to prefer the bitterness. As an 8-year-old described it to me, “It kinda tastes like coffee!” and boy, do I love coffee.

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Whole thing has me feelin’ like[/caption]

The final week, though: Woof. I ate Thai food. I destroyed an entire Short’s Dundee Burger because burgers are my glutton-fave, and it was a date, and because it was a burger. But my biggest muck up: I ate, no exaggeration, two pints of ice cream during the election. Talk about stress and distress. Stress over the state of the country, and digestive distress the next day, which I spent fasting mostly, because I felt deservedly terrible. But that was the best Blue Bunny Cookies & Cream I’ve ever had. The Mint Chip Halo Top was pretty bomb, too (and better in the nutritional area).

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Worth fainting over. Deeeeelicious.[/caption]

So Week 4 was a total fail. I probably could have shaved a few more pounds and an inch here and there. I realize this. I’m okay with it. I’m looking and feeling good. I’m fasting. I have moderate concern over how stable my insulin is now, and how it will affect the efficacy of Indulgence Days. I suppose I’ll see.

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Week 4, meet giant blue ball.[/caption]

Worst case scenario? I re-do the insulin reset. Not ideal, but doable. Phase II has begun, and I’m excited for Sunday because Basta Spaghetti and Meatballs. Drooling.


Bossey Boots

