Everything You Must Know About Acupuncture for Diabetes

Dr. Li Zheng
Boston Chinese Acupuncture
3 min readJul 28, 2021

Diabetes affects a large percentage of the population. In fact, today this disease affects both men and women in different age groups. Diabetes, as you may be aware, is a disorder in which the body’s capacity to process blood glucose, often known as blood sugar, is impaired. There is scientific evidence that supports the use of acupuncture to lower blood sugar and optimize insulin levels. Acupuncture and Chinese herbs can bring energy to your pancreas and thyroid gland, so your body can burn more calories instead of storing the blood sugar in the fat cells.

An Understanding of Diabetes and its Causes

Diabetes mellitus, mostly known as diabetes, is a metabolic disorder marked by high blood sugar levels. Insulin moves the sugar from the bloodstream all the way into your fat cells. If you have diabetes, your body either doesn’t generate enough insulin or can’t use the insulin in a proper way because your insulin receptors are not as sensitive as they should be. When you eat too much-processed food, your pancreas has to produce more and more insulin to lower the blood sugar, the insulin receptors become less and less sensitive.

Type One diabetes is considered as autoimmune disease due to the auto-antibody. On the other hand, a mix of genetics and lifestyle factors causes type II diabetes. Obesity or being overweight puts you at a higher risk of prostate cancer, ED, breast cancer, and macular degeneration. Moreover, extra weight around the abdomen makes your cells more resistant to insulin’s blood sugar-lowering actions.

Benefits of acupuncture for diabetes

If you have diabetes, you are surely aware that it is caused by dysfunction of your endocrine system. Insulin is the hormone to lower your blood sugar, but insulin is also a growth factor, which stimulates the tissue to grow and leading inflammation in your blood vessels, nerves, and joints. Low insulin can lead to high blood sugar, a constant high level of insulin will stop your body to burn calories and promote inflammation in your brain, kidney, heart, and nervous system, leading to dementia, heart attack, and neuropathy. Acupuncture for diabetes may also help to manage cortisol, a hormone that tells your body when you’re stressed. A high level of cortisol will break down your muscles and redeposit on your belly and hip, leading to high blood sugar.

Supported By Recent Research

Acupuncture has been shown in numerous experimental studies to be effective in helping a variety of medical conditions, including hyperglycemia (high blood sugar), obesity, neuropathy, macular degeneration, high cholesterol, PCOS, inflammation, altered sympathetic nervous system activity, and infertility, which are associated with insulin resistance. According to the study by the Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology, University of California, Merced, USA, (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27256547/), acupuncture for diabetes, when used alone or in combination with other therapies like Chinese Herbs or diet-exercise regimens, has the potential to be a useful treatment for insulin resistance, hence assisting diabetic patients.



Dr. Li Zheng
Boston Chinese Acupuncture

Dr. Li Zheng is an acupuncturist in Boston with 27 years of experience in the Chinese treatment method known as Acupuncture.