April 15, 2013. Boston. 

Notes on the marathon bombing.

Alison Morris
1 min readApr 15, 2014

One year ago, I penned all I had left in me. The city was in distress, my neighborhood was on lockdown, and all our hearts were shattering at once. Today our muscles are sore, but our spirits are strong. Be safe, be kind.

April 15, 2013. Boston.

In the seven years I’ve lived in Boston, this city has been wrapped in a sweet, serene glow. I’ve watched the neighborhoods I love grow into beautiful forces of hope and strength, something untouchable. There was a moment this afternoon when at once, an entire city lost what it meant to feel safe. The cotton was lifted, and the streets I know with my eyes closed look a bit different now. For the first time, we tangled our hearts in silencing loss.

I’m not sure how a city recovers from shattered trust, but with a humbled, grateful exhale, we’ll get there. With all of my heart, and the hope that this will leave us strong but not spiritless, keep going.



Alison Morris

Co-Founder & VP of Customer Experience at Honey. Obsessed with gorgeous products, happy users. In love with brilliant, beautiful. www.sharehoney.com