Meet Former BostInno Writer Lauren Landry of Harvard Business School Online

Zach Servideo
Boston Speaks Up
Published in
2 min readMar 8, 2019

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Lauren Landry has been a familiar face in the Boston innovation community for the better part of the past decade. She cut her teeth reporting at BostInno covering the Boston startup scene and education beat. She’s also been a contributing writer to Boston Magazine and, in addition to having her work cited in Wall Street Journal, Businessweek and more. Lauren’s most recent career move really caught our eye as she’s shifted to a marketing and communications role at Harvard Business School (HBS) Online, which is on a mission to make top-flight business education in Boston more accessible to people worldwide. Having attended Emerson College and worked at Northeastern University, Lauren offers a breadth of perspective about the rapid advances in higher education — from campus innovation to online learning.

Lauren participated in a one-word answer Q&A below, which helped serve as a nice backdrop to a BSU podcast discussion that’s now live on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and SoundCloud. Enjoy.

One-word answers only:

Where did you grow up? Maine

How would you sum up your childhood? Supportive

Where in Boston is now home? North End

What word would your loved ones use to describe you? Passionate

What was your favorite job prior to HBS Online? Reporter

You’ve spent time in various capacities (as a student, educator or employee) at Emerson, Northeastern and now Harvard Business School. What do you love most about higher education in Boston? Forward-thinking

How would you describe working for HBS Online? Fast-paced

How did working in tech reporting prepare you for your current role? “Why?”

Describe the HBS Online initiative in one word… Transformative

Why is education so important to you? Opportunity

Education is clearly a personal priority of yours. In what other area do you feel Boston most needs to improve? Transportation

What is your favorite thing to do outside work? Read

If you lived anywhere else in the world, where else could you see yourself calling home? Seattle

Fill in the blank. The future of Boston will be… Inclusive

What is your favorite thing about Boston? Grit

What would you change about the world? I.E., What problem facing the world would you most like to see solved? Access

You can follow Lauren Landry on Twitter @laurlandry and learn more at



Zach Servideo
Boston Speaks Up

Husband+dad. Heart driven leader. Gratefully collaborating with an ever expanding network of bad asses. Creator and host of Boston Speaks Up podcast.