$BOT Token economics.

Vesting & Price:

🔸Seed round: 0.0103$, 0% at TGE, 1 month cliff, 10 months vesting

🔸Private round: 0.014$, 10% at TGE, 9 months vesting

🔸IDO: $0.016, 20% at TGE, 4 months vesting

Liquidity lockup: 2 years

Marketing: 0,005% at TGE, 68 months vesting

Reserve: 0% at TGE, vesting:TBA

Ecosystem Growth: 0% at TGE, 3 months cliff, 64 months vesting

Team: 0% at TGE, 12 months cliff, 25 months vesting

Fund raise:

Max token supply: 1,000,000,000 $BOT

Max Raise: $2,855,000

SEED Raise: 155,000$

Private Raise: 2,100,000$

IDO Raise: 600,000$


Initial Market Cap: $368,000

Intial FDV: 16.000.000$

SEED FDV: 10,333,333$

Private FDV: 14,000,000$

Token allocations:

SEED-1,5%-15,000,000 $BOT

Private Sale-15%-150,000,000 $BOT

IDO-3,75%-37,500,000 $BOT

Liquidity-2%-20,000,000 $BOT

Marketing-11%-110,000,000 $BOT

Reserve-3%-30,000,000 $BOT

Ecosystem Growth-53,75%-537,500,000 $BOT

Team-10%-100,000,000 $BOT

Detailed tokenomics

CLICK HERE: Tokenomics




$BOT is a cryptocurrency whose goal is to combine the most popular and effective services for earning money in one ecosystem - BOT Planet✅