10 Real World Problems that AI Solves

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6 min readSep 25, 2018

AI or artificial intelligence can help automate tasks, but does it have the potential to solve real-world problems that impact us in a greater way? Expectedly, yes. While it doesn’t always have a direct impact, it helps us help everyone else.

Today, there is a prevalent fear that AI is “after our jobs” or will replace us. While that might be possible decades and decades, or even centuries into the future, today, AI provides more benefits than dangers in this day and age. Additionally, let us not forget that it is not the technology but the user who decides the fate of the world. Like all technologies (phone, internet, computers) AI can be used for both good and bad. At the moment, the human race is primarily focused on the betterment of the world. So, let’s take a peek at 10 global issues that AI helps solve.

1. Healthcare

Health is Wealth for a reason. When you are healthy, you are happy and can make most things work, while achieving your dream. No wonder then that the healthcare industry is one of the most prominent ones in the world.

So, how does AI come into the picture? AI can sift through massive amounts of data in record time, which helps researchers procure necessary information faster and focus on their research, rather than on data accumulation and sifting. Research is an essential part of healthcare as it enables identification of health issues, experimentation for possible cures, prediction of treatments and so on.

Let’s look at the prediction for a second. With artificial intelligence, researchers and doctors will be able to predict the outcome and effectiveness of their drug treatment for a particular person before recommending the drug. Who would not want this personalised approach, one that benefits not just the patients but also everyone in the medical field, saving time and money for both?

2. Hiring

HR personnel need to sift through hundreds and thousands of CVs. Now, what if they could find a shortlist of candidates they are looking for within a few minutes? That’s what AI helps them do. It takes up the monotonous task of going through applications and throws up the most relevant profiles. This gives the HR personnel more time to interview more candidates more effectively, garnering required insights along the way.

Predictive analytics would additionally be able to spot trends amongst people hired and those that applied. This would help HR teams prepare crucial reports that highlight any recognisable patterns. This, in turn, would help organisations identify employees with high potential much earlier, adding value to the business and promoting its growth.

3. Learning & Training

Imagine conversing with a well-versed teaching assistant for a semester or even a year. You’ve never met the person but she/he has been extremely useful and helpful. That’s pretty much what happened with Georgia Tech students, who were surprised to discover that their TA was, in fact, a robot. After initial teething problems, the robot started answering the students’ questions with 97% certainty.

Humans are fundamentally the same but our brains intake information differently and at different speeds. Bringing AI onboard to help personalise teaching processes would benefit most students and teachers, the latter of whom will be more aware of how to approach a certain child’s learning curve. Additionally, there is a great prospect for AI tutors that look and sound like human and that could continue teaching the child without tiring.

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4. Energy Conservation

Big corporations are already paying heed to the climate change warnings and have incorporated AI to help them conserve energy. Data centres at tech firms like are very energy intensive and need a lot of power to run servers and keep them cool.

To combat this, Google uses its AI platform Deep Mind to predict the overheating of its data centres, activating cooling systems when necessary, saving around 40% in energy costs.

5. Wildlife Conservation

Tracking and wildlife conservation have gone hand-in-hand for some time now. Conservationists are able to see the travelling trajectory of the animals, their movements, ideal habitats, and so on. Let’s take habitats as an example. With AI, we can determine the best place to establish wildlife corridors for various animals and ensure their secure movement.

6. Finance

AI seems to be doing well in FinTech. Currently, it is used for garnering data quickly and sometimes analysing it. However, with the power of AI, there is potential for financial simulation and proper analysis as well.

AI is able to quickly sift through and review large amounts of data, as mentioned above. This enables it to garner valuable customer insight. This doesn’t imply a loss of job for financial professionals. In fact, if anything, it could make their work more fulfilling, with their attention being required on more challenging, thought-centric tasks.

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7. Transportation

Cars. Another machine run by humans. While the world does have several brilliant drivers out there, to err is only human. Self-driven or AI-controlled cars could be a significant game-changer, despite the recent the crashes that have taken place during testing. Then again, that’s why they test technology first.

These cars could reduce the number of deaths and injuries significantly. According to a report by Stanford University, they might also bring about a change in our lifestyle. Being driven around would mean that we have more free time on our hands and would be able to indulge in things we like during the commute.

8. Marketing and Sales

Marketing and Sales departments are already using AI to their advantage, gathering essential customer insights and behavioural patterns in order to make their advertising and sales more welcome and relevant to the consumer’s life. Interestingly, conversational and interactive AI play a significant role in marketing, and their interfaces rely on voice, tone, persona et cetera. This enables the organisation to become friendlier with consumers via AI while gathering relevant data.

9. Logistics and Operations

This industry sees AI taking over labour-intensive and menial tasks, leaving the humans to do more important and impactful jobs, thus aiding their lives and not taking away from it.

Retail stores are also able to keep a tab on foot traffic while analysing behavioural patterns in both customers and managers/salespersons, and calculating the growth of the company in relation to the work hours in the store.

10. Research and Development

Researchers are always on the lookout for patterns, opportunities to develop models, uncover efficiencies and so on. Irrespective of the field or industry, AI will aid researchers in getting accurate data across fields faster to expedite information-based decision-making and encourage improved and informed frameworks.

Undeniably, Artificial Intelligence or AI has much to offer, without harming our lifestyles, if only we let it. Want to know more about how it works?

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Originally posted on Botbot.AI’s Blog




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