Botbot.AI Hailed by Platform for Software Reviews with 2 Artificial Intelligence Software Titles for 2018

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2 min readAug 20, 2018

Botbot.AI was recently recognized with two prestigious Artificial Intelligence Software awards by FinancesOnline, an independent SaaS review platform.

The Artificial Intelligence Software awards were given after their experts meticulously inspected all functionalities of our productivity and chatbot solution, highlighting its exceptional multilingual and multichannel prowess for automated conversations, robust pre-configured intelligence for business-specific queries, and highly adaptable machine learning capabilities. This allowed us to receive their prized Great User Experience and Rising Star awards for 2018.

Both awards delivered by FinancesOnline under their best artificial intelligence software highlight Botbot.AI as a reliable and hassle-free solution for optimizing your workflows, driving productivity, and accelerating client communications.

In their Botbot.AI overview, FinancesOnline was impressed with the intelligence of our bots, stating that it “understands and learns your customers’ messages, intended purposes, and more.” They also underscored its effectiveness in eliminating time-exhausting tasks, thus, “decreasing the need for real agents to cater to menial and common transactional conversations” so they can focus on more complex conversations.

Overall, FinancesOnline believes our AI technologies are among the leading solutions on the market due to Botbot.AI’s unparalleled intelligence in answering all types of queries, while also being able to learn from all interactions for better communications.

Visit FinancesOnline for their full thoughts about Botbot.AI. You can also leave a user review on their website to let us know how our platform improved your customer communications and work productivity.

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Reposted from Botbot.AI’s Blog




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