Facebook Workplace Desktop Chat And Workplace Chatbots

Rajesh J Nair
Bot Elements
Published in
2 min readOct 15, 2017

Facebook launched Workplace Desktop Chat Application for Mac and PC to compete Slack. It’s going to a great change the people are going to use facebook workplace over slack because of the enhanced capabilities of chatbots in the workplace. We all Love SlackBots but Facebook have an enhanced features and capabilities in create chatbot in the workplace.

A Sample Chat Bot Create by Chatbot technologies in workplace.

Facebook Workplace supports Inbuilt integrations like Google drive, Dropbox etc and Custom Integrations. We Can Create Chatbots using Custom Integrations.

Inbuilt Integrations in Facebook Workplace

Please signup with us to know more about the Workplace Chatbots.We are creating some tutorial how to build a workplace chatbots. Once its ready we will email you 😎 .



Rajesh J Nair
Bot Elements

Tech Enthusiast | Entrepreneur | Chatbot Specialist 🤖 | Text/Speech AI Explorer | Almost Down Earth Coder