Solve the #1 Bot Problem and Improve your Bot Metrics

Sandeep Chivukula
Published in
2 min readMar 22, 2017

I was invited to speak at the Monage Spring 2017 Conference in San Jose. I chose to focus on the key problem for the Conversation ecosystem — retention.

While customers are excited about chat, most bots are not leveraging that momentum to retain customers. If we frame the problem using Clay Christensen’s “Jobs to be Done Theory” — chatbots have a problem being re-hired.

Photo Credit: Simone Giertz 👑💩🤖

I propose that bot makers consider a Four part framework in designing and building their bots in order to improve Bot retention and get their bots “rehired.” The four parts of the C-L-U-E framework are:

  • Understand Context: Don’t make humans re-enter info you already have.
  • Build w/ Love: Make Technology work for the Humans (not vice-versa.)
  • Solve a key Use-Case: Improve and not just re-create in convo UI.
  • Set Expectations: First, do one thing well then earn the right for more.

Below is the presentation with more examples.

Agree? Disagree? Let’s discuss via Twitter:@_sandeep

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Sandeep Chivukula

Co-Founder — Measure and Grow your chatbots. Love building businesses, photography and being outdoors.