Sales Chatbot — Why use one?

Sales Chatbot — Why use one?

Shaivee Kumawat
Published in
3 min readApr 7, 2021


In addition to our previous blog, which solely spoke about the existence of a chatbot to enhance sales in an organization, now let us look at some of the surprising facts which these chatbots have created so far around the globe.

  • According to the Salesforce State of Conversational Marketing report, they have found out that people from all 195 countries are happily using online chat to start conversations on their business websites.
  • Gartner forecasts that by the beginning of the year 2021, over 85% of the customer interactions will be managed without human intervention.
  • By the end of 2021, 88% of the fastest-growing companies will have more virtual assistants and smart machines than human beings.
  • According to the Constellation Research study, before 2025 ends, the Artificial Intelligence market will surpass $100 billion in its net worth.

Do you know the reason behind the craze for chatbots, these people are living on these days?

→ The simple answer to this question is that we humans love to interact and appreciate one-on-one personalized conversations. A major segment of the customer group believes that a business should remain open 24/7 so that they engage in a conversation as per their comfort zone. A bot is capable of automating a company’s service hence saves a lot of money. You see how a simple bot can do this much for your business, that too by intaking minimum costs from your company.

But this single statement of appreciating the existence of chatbots in the market is not convincing enough. Right? So here we are, with some of the major benefits of a chatbot -

  1. The chatbot data can be used by the Marketing Team to inform decisions like what content they should provide the lead with, which content is attracting a major number of leads, determine how consumers feel about your product, or which part should be focussed more on.
  2. Helps in getting a competitive edge by staying on top of the booming trends.
  3. These chatbots even allow you to stay connected with your customers outside of standard traditional working hours. This keeps your clients free from time boundaries and engages with your firm as per their needs and time.
  4. Crafting a rich and personalized experience for your customers. Personalization is a huge selling point for customers in 2021.
  5. Now you only tell me who does not like instant replies? Whether being in personal relations, or a professional network, people love to get instant responses. These chatbots tend to give answers instantly without letting your customers abandon you.
  6. Chatbots live on an ongoing tendency to learn from previous experiences and perform better in the future.

Now let us quickly get to know about the helping tendency of a chatbot in funneling your sales?

1. CHATBOTS CAN NURTURE LEADS -While lead generation is quite often time taking process but is a crucial part of the sales process. To be successful at nurturing leads, one needs to answer these important questions:

  1. Do you have attainable and measurable objectives ready?
  2. Do you have enough data on your customer’s behavior and product preferences?
  3. Do you have developed content that is targeted to a specific buyer group?

Since chatbots are programmed with automation features, businesses can run lead nurturing campaigns flawlessly without constant monitoring.

2. CHATBOTS OFFER IMPROVED USER EXPERIENCE — People like communicating with virtual assistants because they get accurate recommendations and answers to their queries in no time. While some may prefer human interaction, lessening the burden on human customer service by implementing virtual assistants before.

3. CHATBOTS GENERATE PREDICTIVE ANALYTICS AND DRIVE CONVERSIONS A chatbot can gather data based on a user’s click, shares, or scrolls to predict the circumstances where they would buy. Chatbots can be optimized for sales funnel scripts. From the data they collect, they can determine the behavioral patterns of a client and precisely segment them. This allows marketers to create effective campaigns, which will motivate customers to reach the end of a funnel.

Finally, we have landed to a conclusion where the existence of a chatbot turned out to be very important and on practical aspects segregating it from daily chores is almost inevitable. Hence, it is profitable and wise enough to evolve with time rather than resisting oneself to escape out of one’s comfort zone.



Shaivee Kumawat

Words are beautiful! They should be set free from any description or introduction. If you want to know about me, let’s sit someday and have a nice conversation!