Top trending tools used by chatbot makers

(and you should use them too)

6 min readApr 21, 2017


A few months ago, we have created a directory of chatbot development tools and resources. The directory was started with 40+ resources and now reached up to 100+ tools and resources. These resources are useful for bot makers, developers , designers and entrepreneurs.

As resources related to bots are growing very fast in just a few months, we have started to keep track of the most trending tools. The result is very interesting. These are the top 10 tools in the first quarter of 2017 starting from January to end of March.

1. Rasa NLU

RASA NLU is an open source tool for intent classification and entity extraction. It is a set of high level APIs for building own language parser using existing NLP and ML libraries.

2. Bot Society

BotSociety is a tool to design chatbots. It takes just 4 clicks to start designing your bot conversation. Preview plays the conversation from the start and feel the whole conversation experience as your users will. It also allows to export an AVI or GIF out of your sketch.

3. Chatfuel

Chatfuel is the most widely used bot development platform. Build & launch a full-featured chat bot in 7 minutes without coding. You can create an AI chat bot to suit your needs. you can develop chat bot for facebook messenger & telegram using chatfuel.

4. Bottr

This is the simplest open source Framework for Bots Developer. Built on top of Node.js, Javascript and Express.js. It is simple to create expressive interactive bots without dealing with the low-level details. It provides event-based system that allows to chain and combine actions together. For beginners, learning Node Js is the easiest way to start with development.

5. Botpress

Botpress is an open source ecosystem for developers to create, manage and extend bots. Its modular design assembles your bot from their collection of specialized, open source modules that do one thing very well.

6. Botmock

Design Facebook Messenger bot conversations with easy drag and drop editor using Botmock. It is not required any coding experience. You can insert, reorder and customize all elements. You can export mocks into a gif or video instantly.

7. Bot Framework

Microsoft is leading on machine learning and artificial intelligence. its open source Bot Builder SDKs allows you to build simple to sophisticated dialog. Cognitive Services enable your bot to see, hear, interpret and interact in more human ways. It Connects cross platform with the flip of a switch.

8. Bot Stack

It is open source bot framework. It has a state machine and user management. It allows you to add functionality with modules. This tool is used to create Facebook chat bots.

9. Chatscript

ChatScript is the next generation chatbot engine which manages dialog or NL tools. ChatScript is a rule-based engine, where rules are created by humans writers in program scripts through a process called dialog flow scripting. It uses a scripting metalanguage ( called a “script”) as their source code.

10. Motion AI

Motion AI is leading chatbot development platform used for visually building, training & deploying bots to do just about anything. It supports Web chat, SMS, Messenger, Slack, Email, Custom/API platforms.

Apart from these top 10 tools, these next five tools are visited by bot makers.

11. Init AI

Init AI is the most powerful way to build, train, and deploy intelligent conversational apps. Automate conversations, analyze them for actionable insights, and assist sales and support staff in communications. The features are: conversational NLP, conversation state management, group chat, business logic, messaging integrations, analytics, dialogue model, support software integrations, Fully-hosted or self-hosted.

12. Bot Preview

BotPreview allows you to sketch a possible course of a conversation and experiment with it before writing a single line of code. You can design your conversation online and then either create a shareable link to a player on botpreview or export it as static HTML or MP4 video in order to upload it to your own server or integrate it into your presentation.

13. Convointerface

Build chatbots, messaging apps, and conversational forms with this easy to use design assets. It includes 3x Button styles, 4x Color palettes, 6x Widgets, 3x Mobile Messaging interfaces, 2x Conversational forms, 5x Free Google fonts and 19x EmojiOne chat characters.

14. BroidHQ

Broid Integrations is an open source project providing a suite of activity streams 2 libraries for unified communications among a vast number of messaging platforms.

15. Walkie Bot

Walkie is the easiest, nicest and smoothest way to write and test bot dialogs for Slack. You can build attachments, buttons, and rich media messages with few clicks. It is easy to switch context between bot and user to simulate real dialog. You can write the dialog in a plain text and can export in JSON.

There are some of the interesting facts that we have noticed for these tools. Most of the top tools are either used as a chatbot frameworks or chatbot designing. Many of these tools are open source on github.

You can find wide range of tools related to chatbot ecosystems on Bot Stash. There is a list of tutorials on bot development with coding examples that will help you to build bots on various messaging platforms including facebook messenger, telegram, microsoft skype, amazon alexa, slack and more.

