These are 5 Simple ways of Growth Marketing You should Know

Areeba Khan
Published in
3 min readAug 28, 2019

Enough with the theoretical explanations, its time to talk about the real stuff! Growth marketing isn’t as difficult as you may assume it to be, but there are certain tactics that need to be put out on the table.

Beware! These tactics may require you to get out of your traditional marketing comfort zone, so if you are ready for it, just fasten that growth marketing seat belt of yours and let’s get right into these…

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1. Become Data-Driven

If you are someone who makes decisions based on the gut feeling or if you make your decisions based on anything your marketing head says is the word of god — which is also known as the HiPPO (highest paid person’s opinion) strategy — then you need to get rid of these approaches altogether. Growth marketing requires you to dive deeper into data yourself and figure out the right strategies and get used to working with the tools and techniques needed for these analyses.

2. You MUST be Product Focused

In the modern sales world, you cannot really sell your product if you do not understand what you are selling. Similarly, in growth marketing, your business requires you to be the evangelist and seller both and not trick people into buying your product when they dont want to.

Growth hacking is more about truly believing in helping people with a product — it is about illustrating the real benefits and value of your product out there and then let the buyer make its own decision — not as much of a hacking right?

3. Growth Marketing Requires a Hacker Mentality

When stepping into the crazy world of growth marketing you need to gear up with a jack that does everything. When we say everything, we mean it. You may expect to edit a video, optimize an advertisement copy, do some coding or implement another A/B testing.

In other words, you need to possess a wide array of skillset when putting the badge of growth marketer on your shirt. Especially, if your strategies are at the early stages!

4. Be Able to Handle Multiple Responsibilities

Again, you need to be able to cater to multiple tasks and domains and be comfortable adapting new techniques and using tools that enable your strategies. Growth hacking is detail-oriented but the focus never goes away from the big picture. Is result-driven but being ambiguous isn’t the end of the world either. It requires data for decision making but values human intuition as well.

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5. Stop Fearing Failure

Growth marketers must be able to understand the fact that failure is just a part of experimentation — until you finally achieve the goal you will encounter many of them. After all, failure is the stepping stone of immense growth.

Growth marketing allows you to become bold enough to try out new things, see what works best for your business and will eventually lead you to the right path to success.

But be sure to handle failure while planning on carrying these experiments — not all growth marketers achieve scalability and growth while conducting trials to improve their strategies.

This blog “5 Simple Ways of Growth Marketing Explained — What’s the Need + Examples” was originally published to

