This Solar E-commerce Saves 20 Hours Of Its Customer Support Every day!

Areeba Khan
Published in
5 min readJun 21, 2019 is India’s 1st solar E-commerce marketplace. Their platform aims to increase awareness of solar energy and to facilitate buy & sell transactions on a Hi-tech E-commerce platform.

They get a number of customer queries every day on social media like any other E-commerce business would do and which is why they opted for an automated chatbot to cater to their Facebook Page with 9000+ Likes and 4800+ Chatbot Users.

Products and Service

India’s 1st solar e-info commerce marketplace offering a wide range of exclusive solar products, projects & services online for both B2C and B2B customers.

Purpose of Chatbot

India Go Solar opted for our chatbot for both, their Website Live Chat and their Messenger of over 9k+ Likes on their Facebook Page. The purposes for which they required chatbots were to:

  • Inform customers about their current services, projects, and products
  • Provide their customer support agent’s help regarding any product or service
  • Cater to customer complaints and
  • For users who wish to enroll for affiliate programs and partnerships

Chatbot Flow

IGS has integrated a single Botsify Chatbot to both its Website and Facebook. So whenever a user visits either of them, they get to have the same experience with our chatbot. Take a look here;

The conversation flow is identical. However, for this demonstration, we will be showing you the website Live Chat.

→ When a user visits India Go Solar’s Website a Live chat message window like such will pop up.

→ Once the user clicks the Get Started button, the chatbot asks them to mention their name and email address and phone number first to begin the conversation.

*This way IGS generates Leads and adds users to its mailing list to keep them updated with the latest products, offers and more!

→ Now that the user has provided the necessary information, they can start the conversation with the chatbot.

→ By clicking ‘Start Conversation’ the chat window pops up and a ‘Get Started’ button appears.

→ Once the user hit the get started button, a welcome message appears.

→ The message contains 3 options to begin with:

A. Start Solar Business
B. Call Aiva
C. For Solar Product

A. Start Solar Business

This option redirects the user to India Go Solar’s Affiliate Program form if a user wishes to inquire about partnership information with them.

B. Call Aiva

This option is for people looking for a customer support agent to talk to. Once a user clicks on the Call Aiva option, it can get in touch with their Call Centre Agent.

C. For Solar Product

When a user clicks on this option, a slideshow of their Solar Powered products appear.

  • Users can click on any of these products and it will redirect them to the relevant product on the website.
This type of slideshow can be made using ‘Media Blocks’ feature when creating a chatbot. It helps users see all the given options in a category to choose from.
  • Users can go back and forth using the arrows given under the ‘Click to Submit’ button if they want to check the options.
  • If the user wishes to apply for any of the given options, by clicking the ‘Click to Submit button’ the chatbot redirects them to ‘Project Installation’ page on the website
  • Alternatively, if a user types in an instead of going with either of the 3 given options, the chatbot continues to answer to that user accordingly. Take a look here:
  • The chatbot picks up keywords and responds to users with a relevant answer and in case the user doesn’t get what they were looking for, the chatbot provides them with contact information of human support agent’s help.

As for the Numbers:

  • India Go Solar Bot has more than 4400 users on their Website Live chat and 400+ Users on their Messenger
  • The Total number of Messages they have sent so far is 7300+ which means they saved 7300+ messages worth of time using Botsify.
  • The number of messages our chatbot has served so far is more than 8000
  • Saving Daily 20 Hours, 21 Minutes worth of Customer Support Cost and our Chabot has enabled them to collect over 4500 Leads so far.

You can check out India Go Solar’s Messenger Chatbot & Website Chatbot here.

Read the complete article How Indiagosolar saves its customer support cost every day here

