Introducing: Better sharing, Messenger Menu, lists and more powerful paths

Vittorio Banfi
Vittorio’s Conversational Blog
3 min readJul 24, 2017

Today we are excited to announce four features which have been heavily requested by the community!

Better sharing

Up until now, the only way to invite somebody to collaborate on your design was to create a team. If you invite someone in your team, that person sees all of your mockups and will be able to edit all of them. She will also be able to access your Premium features if you upgraded to the Premium plan. Teams worked great, and a lot of our users took advantage of them.

On the other hand, a lot of users wanted to add a client, or a friend, or a colleague from another department. They want this user to access one of their mockups, but not all of them. We listened! From today, if you click on the “Share” button in the top right corner, you will see something like this:

Botsociety Introduces advanced sharing

It works as Google Docs. You enter the email of the person you would like to share your design with. You can choose to allow them to edit it, or only to leave comments on your design. Once the person accepts the invite, he will be able to see your design on the homepage as “Shared by John Smith”. Simple as that!

We are going to keep both teams and this sharing feature as of now. Let us know what you think!

Facebook Messenger Menu

Botsociety now supports menu

From today, you can design your own chatbot menu in a breeze. You can also define how and when the user interacts with the menu items you just created. As always with Botsociety, you will be able to drag and drop your menu interaction, just like you can do with messages.

Facebook Messenger list format

Botsociety now supports list message type format

Another much-requested feature is finally here: the list message for Facebook Messenger! From today, you will find an additional icon in the “Bot says” panel, which allows you to add a list message type. We support both the compact mode and the normal one.

More powerful paths

Botsociety add path into a conversational design

With paths, you can design all the possible scenarios that may occur inside the same mockup. Turns out, creating different scenarios is a central piece of the conversational design. In the last two months alone, our users have created more than 50.000 different paths! Up until now, it was possible to create a new path only starting from a message that had some sort of forced user choice — like a button, a carousel or a quick reply.

So today we are very excited to announce that it is now possible to create a path starting from any point in the conversational flow. We have decided to use the fork icon to represent that — tell us what you think!

Curious? Try Botsociety today, it’s free!

Originally published at Botsociety Journal.



Vittorio Banfi
Vittorio’s Conversational Blog

Co-founder of Tailor AI: Ex-Google. Founder of Botsociety (500Startups, acquired). Italian. Product, users and code