Introducing: Facebook extensions & web views

Vittorio Banfi
Vittorio’s Conversational Blog
2 min readJul 9, 2017

Up until now, there was no way to properly prototype a Facebook Extension interaction and to add a web view preview. From today you will be able to, with Botsociety!

Facebook Chat extension

A Facebook Messenger Chat Extension is like a micro-app that you can embed into a Facebook Messenger experience. The cool thing about it is that it can take place inside a conversation between two or more users. Something like

It’s really powerful, and it requires a different design process compared to a Facebook Messenger chatbot. In order to properly design a Facebook Messenger chat extension, the steps are usually:

  1. Produce a hypothesis of an ongoing conversation between two or more users
  2. Define the moment when the user opens the Messenger Chat Extension
  3. Define and design the screens shown inside the extension
  4. Define the output of the extension inside the chat
  5. Repeat from point 1 until you are finished!

From today, you can now use Botsociety to create a high-resolution prototype of those steps. You can use the graphical design application of your choice for step 3 — Sketch for example — and then upload its output to Botsociety.

Facebook Messenger update: Webview

Following the same idea, you can now add custom web view inside a Facebook Messenger chatbot preview. We decided to take the same approach: You can design the web view with your favorite graphical tool — such as Sketch — and then upload its output to Botsociety. We will then take care of showing you how it will exactly look like during the chatbot experience, on iOS and Android.

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Originally published at Botsociety Journal.



Vittorio Banfi
Vittorio’s Conversational Blog

Co-founder of Tailor AI: Ex-Google. Founder of Botsociety (500Startups, acquired). Italian. Product, users and code