Why we are building Botsociety

Vittorio Banfi
Vittorio’s Conversational Blog
2 min readJul 8, 2020
The Botsociety team

Intro: I’m changing my personal and company social media approach. We will post only once a week, every Wed. We will post long-form thoughts only. Feedback appreciated

If you want to design a Graphical User Interface, you have general-purpose, versatile tools like Figma or Sketch.

If you want to design a Conversational User Interface, you need to use Excel or solutions purpose-built for one use case.

We are fixing that. Botsociety2 is the foundation that we needed to start building a general-purpose, versatile tool. The objective is to allow the new generation of designers to master conversation design gaining proficiency on a professional tool.

If it’s not general-purpose and versatile, you are always going to be limited in your professional growth as a designer.

You will be forced to switch from tool to tool each time your engineers change technology.

You will be forced to switch from tool to tool each time you change use case.

That approach will not create a generation of designers, it will not push our industry forward. It will keep it blocked at very simple, uninteresting interactions that serve one narrow purpose and maybe not even that.

We are fixing that. Botsociety2 is the foundation of this objective. It’s not 100% clear yet, but give us another 3 months.



Vittorio Banfi
Vittorio’s Conversational Blog

Co-founder of Tailor AI: https://usetailor.com Ex-Google. Founder of Botsociety (500Startups, acquired). Italian. Product, users and code