5 Quick Questions with Jakob Rasmussen

Jakob Rasmussen is the CEO at Apex Game Tools and an expert in artificial intelligence. His company Apex Game Tools specialises in developing tools for artificial intelligence for indie games on the Unity game engine. Jakob will be one of our guest speakers at the upcoming Copenhagen Chatbots & AI meetup.

Grasia Hald
3 min readApr 23, 2018


Artificial intelligence and games are very exciting field that has the potential of creating incredible gaming experiences for gamers around the world. Thus, getting an expert to talk about it, is a dream come true for us and all the AI & gaming enthusiasts out there! As teaser for our upcoming event in Copenhagen Chatbots & AI we’ve played the 5 Quick Question Challenge with our guest speaker Jakob Rasmussen.

Read below and get yourself hyped and ready for an amazing talk!

AI and Gaming – Can you share with us how you got started in such an exciting field?

I have had a fascination for AI since I was 9 and hacking at my c64. I played around with machine learning in the start of the 2000s when the tech was still immature. A couple of years ago, after I sold a share in a company, I took AI up again, and happened to bump into Joachim Ante, co-founder of Unity. After riffing about AI, I decided to play around with AI for the games industry, instead of doing brains for robots, which was my original passion.

What’s your take on the common buzz phrase “AI is transforming Video Games forever”? Too much hype, or are things really that exciting?

Video games transformed digital graphics, so you might think it was first-mover on AI. But this is not the case. However, that is now changing rapidly.

The video game industry is waking up to AI changing how games are made, how they work and how they are played.

Very few games have advanced machine learning in them, as of yet. But that will change over the next couple of years.

Can you explain to us how AI can help game makers push the boundaries of games as we know them?

Games are in the stone age when it comes to AI, so many things will change from monetization, over animation to decision-making. Almost all aspects of the video gaming industry will be impact by AI, including graphics. Some games might even be made entirely by AIs.

In your field of work how do you implement AI to make video games?

Apex AI makes human models — i.e. AIs that resemble human intelligence and decision-making. This is normally used for adversaries, enemies and opponents. Think Skynet.

Finally, who should come and see you at Copenhagen Chatbots & AI? Who would benefit/learn the most?

Anyone interested in video games, AI and machine learning should come see us! 😄🎮

If you would like to meet Jakob in person to discuss more about these exciting topics join us in our next event at Copenhagen Chatbots and AI, you can signup for free in the link below 👇🏼

If you want to join our fast growing, kick as community of AI & Chatbot enthusiasts join us below!

Hasta la próxima! 👋



Grasia Hald

🤖 AI enthusiast & SoMe junky✌🏽 Sometimes I am a communicator, sometimes I am a Neuropsychologist. I’m always curious about disruption & bots.